Tuesday, October 21, 2014

What the Hell's the Purpose?

I’m hearing more and more about the concept of not keeping score to “avoid hurting the player’s feelings” if they don’t do well. That’s about as stupid a thing as I can think of. They say they want to teach the kids that sports is not about competition! Sports IS about competition! That‘s the ONLY thing it IS  about. Now they’re talking about removing the ball from soccer matches so nobody CAN know who scored. What then? Just a bunch of guys running around a field doing NOTHING? What about an auto race with no winner allowed? What’s the POINT? Participation is sports is ONLY to find out who is BEST. There’s no other purpose. Why BOTHER? People who propose this are simply LOSERS who want to take away the exhilaration of winning from the winners, without being able to win, themselves. There’s no other reason for this preposterous notion. I can’t believe we have such supremely STUPID people living in this world with people who have SOME intelligence. (Just common sense)

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