Saturday, October 11, 2014

We Never Learn

We do the same things over and over, and many people die because of it. After the takeover of Russia by the communists, our “left-wingers” were in denial as to their nature. They ignored the massacres of dissidents, the jailing of millions, the usurpation of rights, and the expansionism. Before that, they ignored Hitler and all his atrocities, as he rose to power in Germany while signaling to the world his intention to “take over the world.” But still the left made excuses, lied about the things he had done, and did everything they could to help him consolidate his power, saying he “just wanted to help the German people” while he went about collecting all the Jews he could find and gassing them, killing more than six million of them. They lied about the Russians while they stole our nuclear secrets, and poo-pooed the whole idea of Russian aggression as the Soviet Union grew ever stronger. Just as they poo-poo the whole idea that Islamic terrorism is growing in strength apace, and will soon, if we don’t do something except the feeble responses of Obama, they’re going to “take over” here, and impose Sharia Law upon the United States. The left will continue to be in denial, long after they have taken over, and killed most of the dissenters, imposing their phony “religion” on us, by force, with threats of DEATH if we don’t “convert.” We’d better wake up and realize the extent of the threat of Islamic expansionism before it’s too late. (American Thinker)

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