Thursday, October 9, 2014

Hillary? Best President Ever?

That‘s what at least one financial planner says, and it won’t be because she’s so good. It will be because of the “oil boom” that’s on the horizon. I didn’t get far enough in his presentation to see it was “Fracking” that will do it. As usual, he spent way too much time telling me what he was going to tell me and why he was going to tell it to me and how good it was that I became bored enough to leave before he told it to me. Paying attention tells me that is what he’s selling. But I was disturbed that he thinks Hillary is almost a “SURE THING” to be elected in 2016; and to be RE-ELECTED. That’s a disaster I’m not prepared for, and ignores reality. I just don’t think America is THAT stupid. Yes, many ARE that stupid because they willfully pay no attention to politics and vote, anyway, after listening to the BS put out by the collectivists (socialists) running for office. They don’t know electing Hillary will give us the THIRD TERM of Obama, with all the concomitant disasters he has created amplified. I’m old enough, I won’t have to live through it if this happens—and for that, I’m glad.

But “Hillary the best president ever?” Never happen, except in the fevered minds of the ignorant. I doubt I have five years left, and for that, I’m grateful, if this country keeps being run by the con-men and fools that have run it for the last few years. We’re on our way “down the tubes,” and if Hillary is elected, even once, we’re DOOMED. And I want no part of that. Some people have accused me of “becoming more shrill” in the last few years, And to a degree, they’re right. I’m so frustrated that my words have fallen on deaf ears while this country “goes to the dogs” that I can’t keep using the less “shrill” words I’ve used in the past. Obama is the first president I’ve called a “bastard,” and he has earned that appellation. He’s either a damned FOOL or in cahoots with the enemy, and is working feverishly to destroy the very things that have made this country the “destination of choice” for people who want to better themselves. And if Hillary is elected, even once, he will succeed. Like Rush Limbaugh, I hope he fails, miserably. For to succeed will make this into the SECOND “showcase country for collectivism” in the history of the world, after Russia. (Just common sense)

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