Sunday, October 19, 2014

Obama LYING About Ebola

His government is “downplaying” Ebola death statistics in Africa. I don’t know why. Does he WANT Ebola to attain epidemic proportions in America to take attention off his many scandals? The possibility of his personally being exposed is minimal, since even non-Ebola patients are not allowed in his presence until after much screening, which, I’m sure now includes screening for Ebola symptoms. But WHY does he want to bring known Ebola patients HERE? When he could easily send doctors who KNOW how to treat it, along with the required medicines THERE? And not expose Americans to that scourge? Is this man just STUPID, or does he have an ulterior motive? Some of his decisions defy intelligence (and, by intelligence, I mean knowledge, not spying). (Info Wars)


Anonymous said...

"Does he WANT Ebola to attain epidemic proportions in America to take attention off his many scandals?"

Nailed it!

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: I'm glad at least one other person sees it.