Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Just Like In "Atlas Shrugged"

In Ayn Rand’s masterwork, “Atlas Shrugged,” the economy was in the process of being saved by shale oil—until the government made it impossible to do it. In America today, shale oil is trying its best to get us away from dependence on foreign oil while creating a ‘boom” where it is being done. It’s happening in a slightly different place than in “Atlas,” but it’s happening. They’re calling it “fracking,” but it IS “shale oil. And, like in “Atlas,” the liberals in our government hate it, and are doing everything they can to prevent it, BECAUSE it will, if allowed to continue, SAVE this economy, and liberals don’t want that. That would ruin their plans to change this into yet another collectivist (socialist) country. If that happens, we will REPLACE the failed Soviet Union as collectivism’s “showcase country” for socialism. And who will suffer? WE will, of course. So will the socialists, but they aren’t smart enough to realize that. (Just common sense)

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