Thursday, October 2, 2014

Fly A MIllion Miles to Discuss Global Warming

Talk about hypocrisy! Just the speakers ALONE at the UN “Climate Summit” swindle meeting flew more than a MILLION MILES (many in private planes) with all the attendant pollution to attend this conference to discuss the IMAGINARY issue of “global warming” (whatever they call it now, to confuse us). Then there are the further millions of miles flown by the participants, plus the pollution by the SUVs these people seem to favor on the ground, while telling us we shouldn’t use them, and you have a LOT of pollution. Couple that with the fact that they’re discussing how better to fleece the rest of the world on this imaginary “problem,” and you see the real problem. They’re talking about “solving a problem” that doesn’t exist, and they’ve making BILLIONS of dollars doing it. AlGore has used it to make himself a billionaire, and he’s still pushing it. (MRC)

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