Monday, October 27, 2014

An UnAmerican Statement"

"We are too small minded [stupid -RT] to govern our own affairs and we must surrender our individual rights to the world order." What a LOAD of bullsh-t! This is the most “un-American statement ever made by an American president. And he really BELIEVES it! People have been talking about “The New World Order” for years, and liberals everywhere have been denying its existence while it grows in power. It is significantly powerful now so they even TALK about it. Today politicians openly speak to meetings of the Council On Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, both organizations from which they once tried to completely disassociate themselves. Now the most collectivist (socialist) president in the history of this country OPENLY tells us we aren’t “smart enough” to decide our own affairs; that he and his pals are smarter, and should run our affairs under the auspices of “The New World Order. This is what we’ve come to, with people who “pay no attention to politics” voting such people as Barack Obama into important offices while those people work very hard to undermine us. Of course, it took a GERMAN media outlet to publish this, because you’ll never see it in the American media. This is why I wrote my second book, "Pay ATTENTION to Politics! Politics WILL pay attention to YOU." (Obama Speech)

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