Wednesday, October 15, 2014

"Michelle, Go To Hell"

That’s what school children are telling Michelle Obama about her “orders” regarding their lunch menus. In Burley, Ohio, at least, students are bringing sack lunches (which they should be doing, anyway) to avoid having to eat the unappetizing fare (garbage) she is intent on forcing onto them. Otherwise, they go off campus or skip lunch altogether. When I was in grade school, I had to walk six blocks both ways in one hour to get lunch at home. In high school, I went off campus to a restaurant, There was no thought of a school-provided lunch, at all, and I never starved. It’s the usual story. Liberals get you used to their handouts, then start making “rules” to control what you can eat. In other areas, the students merely throw the school-provided “food” in the garbage (where it belongs). Many students are telling their parents the food they’re given at school is inedible. Schools say there’s nothing they can do about it because they NEED the money the feds give them. That’s how the feds control things. (EAG News)

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