Friday, October 24, 2014

"Temporary" Gun Siezures

California Governor “Moonbeam” signed a law allowing guns to be “temporarily” taken from people a judge “deems” to be a “possible” danger to him/herself or others. Never mind the U. S. Constitution doesn’t allow ANY laws to be made LIMITING the right to bear arms for the “average American. If the “average American” was allowed to be armed in self-defense, such measures would not only be ILLEGAL, but also UNNECESSARY. California is well known for making unconstitutional laws to restrict gun ownership for its citizens while the lawmakers who make such laws either carry their own guns or hire armed “security.” Something the “average American” mostly can’t afford, since they pay these lawmakers so much. Of course, you know how “temporary” a “temporary law” is. Anybody who loses their guns under this will play hell ever getting them back, once the government has them. (LA Times)

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