Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Helping Muslims "Avoid Sin"

While still “getting some.” It’s a “sin” for Muslims to have sex outside of marriage—unless it is with a whore. So they capture young women and DECLARE them whores so their men can screw them without “committing a sin.” You’ve probably heard about the “temporary marriage”: possible under Islam. That’s where a man “temporarily” marries a whore one night, and “divorces” her the next morning by walking down the street crying, “I divorce thee” so their sexual liaison cannot, under Islam, be called a sin. In all their “campaigns” they capture young women and designate them as “whores” so they can screw them without committing a sin. This is the kind of perverted actions (outside of screwing children) that are APPROVED under Islam. They’ve really got it figured out. And if they die trying to “convert” people, they get 74 “virgins” of their own in “paradise” to screw to their heart’s content, somehow without destroying their “virgin” status. Damn, what a “self-serving system!” (CNS News)

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