Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Will Trump Get Nobel?

I understand a number of Republicans (no Dumocrats) are trying to get Trump nominated for a Peace Prize because he got Kim Jong Srupid to the table. Since they gave Obama a Nobel "on the come" for things he MIGHT do in the future (but didn't), they think getting Kim to talk should quality him. But with the liberal makeup of the Nobel Committee, I very much doubt he will get one. Liberals only give "awards" to other liberals, and it doesn't matter whether or not they really deserve them. For instance, they gave MSNBC an award recently for "excellence in journalism" for a "fake news" report about that infamous Dumocrat-paid for "Steele Dossier." If you ever hear of a conservative getting an award, for anything, it will be given by a conservative organization, and you'll see little about it in the liberal news media. Liberals want simply to get rid of Trump, and most likely will NOT give him any kind of an award. Nor will they recognize, or "report," any of his many accomplishments. (Just common sense)

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