Monday, May 28, 2018

Mueller Has No Integrity

If you listen to the DC pundits (liberals all), Robert Mueller is the epitome of integrity. If you look up integrity in the dictionary, his picture is next to the definition of the word. But he is absolutely NOT a "man of integrity." If he was, he would not have stretched out his "witch hunt" for more than a year, while ruining so many people with peripheral connections to Trump, and taking the "investigation" far afield while spending $millions of taxpayer dollars, in an attempt to find something, ANYTHING he can use to "bring Trump down." He would have shut down his "investigation" a long time ago when he found NO EVIDENCE of Trump collusion with the Russians in his election, which was the ostensible reason for the investigation. Mueller has served several presidents, in several different jobs, including that of the head of the FBI, during which time Hillary sold the Russians a large part of our uranium supply with his help. He is well known to have played hob with evidence rules in many cases, gaining convictions of INNOCENT people with faked evidence. This is a man with NO integrity who has been falsely "built up" as a "man of integrity." Now he has "indicted" several Russian companies he thought would never appear to be tried, so he'd get some good headlines out of it. But one company called his bluff and is now demanding he show what "evidence" he has against them, which is NONE. I predict those "charges" will be dropped, because he can't produce any evidence. There is none. Just common sense)

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