Friday, May 4, 2018

Is Conservative News Dead?

It is, according to Allen West, who reports that Zuckerberg, boss of Facebook, is setting up systems to "decide" what is "newsworthy" or not. Translation: "censor-worthy." I don't know what the big deal is, Facebook isn't the ONLY place people can go to get their news. It's just ONE outlet, and if it censors conservatives, they should go somewhere else. There are many news sources on the Internet, and on television (Fox News is one, if you don't believe the LIES told you by liberals). Then there are still a few newspapers left that do not censor other than liberal news There are also many blogs, such as mine, they can go to.. We don't NEED Face book. It needs US! Nobody needs to use Facebook, for anything, much less getting their news. There are many web sites competing with Facebook. Use one of them. Get away from Facebook, and use one more friendly to conservatives. Do that, and Facebook will either come around, or go out of business. They're already losing sizable numbers of subscribers. Let's help them lose many more. (Just common sense)

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