Monday, May 28, 2018

Attempting the Impossible

That's what the anti-gun fools are doing, every day. They really believe, in their ignorance, that making a LAW that says crooks can't be armed while committing their other crimes, will cause them to OBEY their laws, even while DISOBEYING all other laws, every day. It's an impossible dream, but they continue to pursue it. People who break laws for a living aren't going to obey their gun laws. Only the law-abiding do, and they aren't the problem. They obey gun laws, and are thus "easy targets" for those who DON'T obey laws. While pursuing this impossible dream, they don't have the time to come up with a REAL solution to the "gun violence" problem. They won't even consider one of the best solutions out there, arming the law-abiding, so they can shoot and kill some of those lawbreakers and by so doing, reduce gun violence generally--by getting rid of some of the illegally-armed criminals. Studies show that dead criminals don't shoot many people. (BBC)

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