Monday, May 7, 2018

"Good Is Bad, Bad Is Good"

As in George Orwell's prophetic novel, "1984," a date that was supposed to be far in the future when it was written, the government "Information Services" (The Ministry of Truth) tell you that simply, "bad is good, and good is bad," and expect you to believe it. Now the New York Times" is doing just that with a recent pronouncement that, "Without gun control, we would be like Soviet Russia," when, in fact, just the opposite is true. If all of us (except the lawbreakers, of course) were disarmed, what would there be to stop "government officials" (or other criminals) from doing just what they wanted to do with all of us, on whatever excuse they make up? (As they're now doing with ANY evidence of "oddity" on the part of a gun owner, even a traffic ticket, in some places) The truth is, there are certain LEGAL requirements for a person being declared "mentally ill," not just the unsupported word of a "government agent" or a politician. The Times is now preaching that very thing with this article. (New York Times)

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