Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Why So Stupid?

I just can't understand why we (not me) elect so many STUPID politicians who actually think disarming yourself is the way to self defense, and that LAWBREAKERS will somehow OBEY the piddling little laws they make to "keep guns out of the hands of the bad guys." Something they NEVER do. They just don't understand that their silly laws only keep guns out of the hands of the LAW-ABIDING, who aren't the problem, anyway. All they do is make it easier for those who DON'T obey laws to victimize those of us who DO. We keep telling them this, but they never listen. They keep on making their stupid, USELESS laws that the bad guys routinely IGNORE while they go right on victimizing us. Is it something in the air that only stupid people can breathe in? Or do they just take stupid pills? They oppose common sense solutions such as allowing the law-abiding to be able to carry guns for self defense because they just don't trust their judgment, not to "go wild" and shoot up the landscape, just because they are able to carry their guns. Never mind that those who ignore their laws often do, and we have no defense, They scoff when we tell them that their laws only get people KILLED, just the opposite of what they claim they do. Being in favor of gun control should be grounds to BAN them from running for ANY office where they can get their stupid laws passed. (Just common sense)

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