Monday, January 1, 2018

Minimum Wage Hike

Well. Colorado has done it. The minimum wage here is now $10 an hour for jobs not worth half that. and it's scheduled to go up, over time, to $12 an hour. I'm glad I'm no longer in the job market because this means there are going to be fewer jobs available, especially to old men. Economics 101 will teach you that, when you raise the price of a commodity, people buy less of it. The same is true of labor. when you raise the price of labor so high that employers can no longer pay it, those jobs go away--and they will, and soon. Employers will find they can do with fewer employees and will be laying off the excess. And it doesn't matter to those who are unemployed, that the jobs they LOST are now paying more money. Seattle should have been a lesson to liberals all over. They were the first to mandate $15 an hour for jobs only worth about $5 an hour, designed for entry level positions to be filled by inexperienced kids who had to be taught how to sweep a floor. And as soon as they did, their economy tanked. Hundreds of restaurants and other businesses that use minimum wage employees either closed, or laid off half their employees. Fast food restaurants installed electronic replacements, You don't have to pay a machine to do something a human could do if they could afford to pay those humans. Robots will soon be doing more and more jobs once reserved for entry-level employees who just aren't WORTH $12 to $15 an hour. It's simple economics, and probably the best way going to destroy the economy. (Just common sense)

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