Monday, January 1, 2018

Hurricanes and Global Warming

Liberals do a good amount of braying about global warming, now known as "Climate change," because they couldn't prove the globe WAS warming, since it wasn't. They're now blaming climate change for the unusual number of destructive hurricanes we're now seeing, that seem to TARGET the most populated centers going, kill some people, and do millions of dollars in damage. They CLAIM that man can affect the climate, yet all their scientists can't come up with a way ro divert the path of a hurricane into a less damaging one. I know they have the technical science to do so--somewhere--if they'd just get off their climate change butts and find it. But no! They'd rather beat a dead horse and try and CRIMINALIZE people who (rightly) do not believe their bulldung. Climate change is a swindle. One they should stop pushing, and get to work on a way to stop, or reduce the damage done by these hurricanes, which are NOT the result of climate change. (Just common sense)

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