Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Dem College Grads Stupid!

Word is that 77% of Democrats who graduate college with a four-year degree think that the sex of a child is NOT set at birth. This is typical liberal stupidity as taught in colleges today. the FACTS are these: if the child has a penis, it is a boy. You can't change that unless you cut it off and use surgery to turn it into a phony vagina. That does not make him a girl. It makes him a boy PRETENDING to be a girl. The same applies to a baby born with a vagina. It is a GIRL. Her PLUMBING has decided that. You can surgically make what LOOKS like a penis on her, and it might even function like a penis, but she will still be a girl PRETENDING to be a boy. The boy that has been surgically made into something that RESEMBLES a girl does not have a uterus, and CANNOT menstruate. Some fools SAY a man can menstruate, and they do things to them that makes them do something that RESEMBLES menstruating, but is NOT. They're even claiming a man can give BIRTH, which shows COMPLETE stupidity and lack of knowledge of how the world works. Those who BELIEVE this crap are stupid, and that's a FACT. (Just common sense)

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