Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Failure of Socialism

Socialism does not work. That has been proven over and over, as socialist government after socialist government collapse when it runs out of “other people's money (OPM). It happened in Russia after they spent all the OPM they had in trying to keep up with America in the “arms race.” It is soon to happen in Cuba, as the health of the one real “strong man” runs out, their socialist friends (like Russia and other failing socialist friends who still had OPM left collapse, one after the other). It's happening in socialist Venezuela, where food shipments are guarded by armed men so they will make it to the store without being stolen by hungry citizens who haven't eaten in days, maybe weeks. Meanwhile, the daughter of the now dead former dictator is the richest person in the country. Many more countries, run on socialist principles, will soon fail, (like the socialist European Union, which is beginning to crumble as England has had enough and is breaking away), yet fools keep promoting socialism, or at least socialist principles as if they were “the best thing since sliced bread.” They teach it in schools, and brainwash our kids to believe in it. They teach it like a religion and soon the kids “have faith,” just as with a religion. (Just common sense)

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