Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Systemic Brainwashing

Wayne State University in Detroit (a public college) has eliminated math as a required subject, replacing it with a “diversity” class. Such classes are a simple INDOCTRINATION of students to think the liberal way. It's BRAINWASHING, as simple as that. And students are REQUIRED to suffer it, in order to graduate. This is how the Soviets, in Russia, used to brainwash their students in the communist way, and I'd bet that “appreciation” for socialism (which is much the same thing) is part of the curriculum. Students who object are called names, and are subject to intimidation by the school hierarchy for their “negative views.” Never mind that the Constitution guarantees their right to dissent. This is how liberals make more liberals. Students go into their schools without stupid views and leave with all the stupid views the schools can pack into their heads. College is no longer a way to EDUCATE students. It is now a way to BRAINWASH them. And charge them a BUNDLE to do it. (Minutemen News)

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