Friday, June 24, 2016

Government Incompetence

The amount of incompetence displayed by government “officials” is everywhere. But nobody seems to notice—except people like me, who “pay attention to politics” even before that period just before an election when the lies are flying everywhere. Liberals are the worst, but there is incompetence on both sides. That's why the Republican establishment is so opposed to Trump that they would even support, and vote for, Hillary or Bernie, whichever wins the Democrat nomination. You know that's abject stupidity, and I know that's abject stupidity. But politicians don't. They're so jealous of their “power” to DICTATE who we MAY vote for, they go out of their way to defeat their own candidate, because they know they will not be able to control him with the “purse strings” like they can with most politicians, who spend $MILLIONS (of other people's money) to gain a job that only pays around $150,000.00 (above the table) a year and “mysteriously” become millionaires after a few years in DC. (iPatriot)

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