Thursday, June 30, 2016
Clinton Visits AG Lynch
Bill Clinton was reported to be in Phoenix
playing golf (a 70-year-old man with a serious heart history, playing
golf in 108 degree weather?), and met with Loretta Lynch, the current
AG in a private plane on the tarmac of the airport when they just "happened" to be there at the same time. Yeah. And she says they
didn't talk about Hillary's problems with the Justice Dept. Do you
believe that all they talked about was family matters, grandchildren,
and such? Do you really think they didn't discuss Hillary's problems
with the Justice Dept.? A Democrat might believe that, but human
beings don't. They're too intelligent. If you think they weren't
talking about “the fix being in” for Hillary, you ain't too
smart. But if you're reading this, you're “smarter than the average
bear.” so you aren't going to believe that fairy tale. What you're
seeing is the solidifying of the “fix” that's in to keep Hillary
out of prison and in the White House. I don't think this meeting was
an accident. I think it was set up a long time ago for that very
purpose, and they're PRETENDING it was an "incidental meeting.". What you're seeing is blatant corruption, right out in the
open. You try to talk to the judge or the opposing lawyer during an investigation of
ANYTHING if you're closely involved. See how far you get. Lynch SHOULD have refused to see
this fool to “avoid the appearance of impropriety.” But she
didn't. That meeting alone should compromise the investigation if she
doesn't recuse herself. And she won't. They expect us to believe their horse manure. Gimme a BREAK! (Patriot Post)
Trying A New Tack
The anti-gun fools don't give up. They have suffered many failures
lately in their efforts to take away our guns and make us defenseless
as Obama imports hundreds of thousands of Islamic terrorists who want
to kill us or force us to “convert” to their phony religion. They
just can't get it through their thick skulls that the American people
aren't going to let them disarm us as more and more criminals,
crazies, and Islamic terrorists get more and more ILLEGAL guns to use
in killing us. So now they're trying a new tack. They're urging their
brain-dead accomplices to have “sit-ins” in various places, like
the one THEY did in Congress. One that failed because they didn't
want to miss their vacations. They want their fools to do want they
couldn't finish. But it ain't gonna work, as it didn't work in
Congress. The American people are too dead set against being disarmed
in the face of increasing gun threats. (Star Tribune)
Australia's "Good" Gun Laws
In 1996. after a mass shooting, Australian politicos passed some of
the stupidest gun laws going. Those guns they didn't just BAN, they
forced owners into licensing the ones they owned, so the government
knew who had every gun there was. Those guns that were legally owned
by law-abiding people, that is, while those who owned ILLEGAL guns
ignored that. And, predictably, “gun crime” has skyrocketed. The
result of those laws is that only the CRIMINALS have guns. And they
use them to victimize those who obeyed those laws. In just the last
12 months, over 3,300 people were charged with gun crimes, and 9,000
illegally-owned guns were confiscated. Does that sound like those
laws “solved” anything? What it proves is that the only people
affected were law-abiding people, while criminals were affected, not
at all. Still, American anti-gun fools keep touting Australia's “good
gun laws” and deny the increase in gun crime CAUSED by those laws.
(Guns 'n' Freedom)
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Take No Prisoners!
When you catch an Islamic terrorist in the act, don't “capture
him,' imprison him for a few years, then release him to return to
his murdering of innocent people to make a point. Kill him. Right
away. To hell with due process.”His is not a “crime,” it is an
act of war. And he hides among the very people he kills, often. So
it's impossible to separate him from “peaceful” Muslims—if
there are any. Being able to hide amongst the people is his strength.
We need to take that away from him. Donald Trump says that if you're
dealing with violent people, you need to BE violent. Our intelligence
sources know where their top leaders are. They've proven that, many
times. They've even killed some of their “leaders” upon occasion.
They need to kill the NUMBER ONE leader, not a serious of “number
twos,” which others line up to replace, even though that is a
dangerous place to be. We need to go in and “clean them out,”
wherever they hide. No matter what country they use as a “safe
harbor” while planning their next outrage. Allowing them “safe
harbor” is enough to allow us to violate their sovereignty if need
be. We need to “pull out all the stops” in “cleaning out their
nests,” and “take no prisoners.” Taking prisoners just gives
such as Obama an opportunity to let them go. (Just common sense)
Gun Control Insanity
The other day, a FIVE-YEAR-OLD was suspended from kindergarten for
bringing a BUBBLE GUN with him to class! How stupid IS that? And
these fools are the people who want to educate our young!
With people like that running our education system, we're in a LOT of
trouble. And we can't seem to get anything done about it. Recently, a
similar thing happened to another very young boy who chewed a
Pop-Tart into a rough shape of a gun and used it to play “cops and
robbers” at recess! It is this kind of insanity we encounter when
we allow liberals to run our schools. They haven't the native
INTELLIGENCE to do it, but we (not me) keep letting them do it.
Hopefully, one day, intelligent people will take over in our schools
and throw these fools out. But I'm not holding my breath. Turning
blue doesn't appeal to me. (Guns 'n' Freedom)
Concealed Carriers Do Stop Shootings!
The anti-gun fools tell you confidently that concealed carriers don't
stop mass shootings, and they're right, in a way. There are few mass
shootings that have been stopped by concealed carriers. That's
because most of them that ARE, aren't reported as “mass shootings”
BECAUSE they were stopped. The article linked below tells of several
potential mass shootings that were stopped by a concealed carrier.
Some by shooting and killing or wounding the shooter, others simply
by “getting the drop on him” and interfering with his plans. In
both cases, mass shootings then didn't ensue, and were not called
one. So no statistics can be gained about a mass shooting because it
was stopped by a concealed carrier in the crowd.. Anti-gun fools use
that fact to their advantage, since it keeps the total NUMBERS of
mass shootings down. (Daily Caller)
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
"We're More Equal"
Anti-gun politician Charlie Rangel thinks he's “special.” He
inadvertently admitted it when he was asked about that childish
“sit-in” in Congress by anti-gun fools that failed, because the
“sit-inners” didn't want to miss out on their vacations (poor babies!). Those
fools were protected by layer upon layer of ARMED security while they
demonstrated to keep the same protection from the average Americans.
His reply was priceless: “That's
a little different. I think we deserve—I think we
to be protected down here.”
Which says emphatically that he thinks they are “special,” in
that they “need” protection, and we don't. Such “elite
thinking” is rampant in DC. They think they're “special,”
because we elected them to BE “special.” They think they're
entitled to special privileges, and that idea extends to their
“special” health insurance that is superior to everything they
offer us “peasants.” And their retirement program, that gives
them equal pay to their congressional salary when they leave
Congress—for life. Even after only ONE TERM. No barely sufficient
Social Security scam for these fools! They didn't contribute
ANYTHING, but they're getting “special benefits. And all the laws
they make for us, they exempt themselves from. (America's FirstFreedom)
100 New Cops In Chi
responding to the massively high “gun violence” stats, has added
100 new cops to their roster. This while they have some of the
tightest “gun laws” in the nation, and, at the same time, similarly high “gun
violence” stats. They are a “showcase city” proving that the
current idea of gun control not only does NOT work, it actually
INCREASES gun crime. Their laws are so tight that many have been
declared unconstitutional. But they then make new ones to do the same
things until the new ones are declared unconstitutional. Then they do
it again. Like other cities run by liberals, they have high gun crime
rates, and they try and try (unsuccessfully) to bring it down,
proving (again) their incompetence. Just look at ANY liberal-run
city and you'll see similar evidence of incompetence in governing. So
don't go to Chicago unless you have a death wish, or a gun nobody
knows about. (MRC TV)
Real Gun Facts
Anti-gun fools give you all kinds of phony “facts.”
These are facts liberals would rather you didn't know. One:
Background checks do NOTHING to STOP gun violence. Many mass shooters
have PASSED background checks because they don't (yet) have a record.
And the others don't get their guns legally. They either buy them
ILLEGALLY, or steal them. Thus not having to undergo a background
check,. MAYBE a background check lets the cops find the shooter
later, but that does nothing for those he kills Two: More people
are killed with blunt or sharp instruments than ever with guns. But the
anti-gun fools don't talk about that. Then they'd have to ban all
blunt or sharp instruments, which even they realize would be
impossible. Three: They tell you legally-owned guns never stop “gun
crime.” But guns in the hands of honest, law-abiding people have
been used 760,000 times a year in self defense in America. Four:
“Gun-free zones” do NOTHING to stop “gun crime.” People who
want to victimize others with guns IGNORE such “zones,” whether
they're set up by law, or merely “policy” of a private company.
Gun crazies SEEK OUT “gun-free zones” in which to kill people
because they know there probably won't be any guns there in the hands
of the victims. More detail can be found in the linked article.
Monday, June 27, 2016
Baltimore Leads the Nation
In the increase in number of murders since Freddy Grey's death and
the “criminalization” of six innocent cops, who were just doing
their duty showed that the Baltimore state's attorney “had it in
for the cops by charging them with crimes, including murder on
evidence so thin it hasn't a chance to hold up in court. Criminals
have gotten the message, and have reacted with great alacrity,
killing wantonly, ever since. Every cop so charged, so far, has been
either found not guilty, or had a “hung jury,” showing that the
jury could not find him guilty, but were afraid to just “let him
go,” as they did in a later trial with another of the six cops so
charged. I predict the same will happen with the rest of those
unjustly charged cops as each comes up for trial. Who gets to pay
their legal expenses doesn't seem to enter into it. And the mental
anguish they suffered, combined with having no income for so long, as
well. (Baltimore Sun)
Clueless to Conservative
People wonder why actress Stacy Dash has put her
acting career in jeopardy by becoming a known conservative in liberal
Hollywood. You all know how INTOLERANT liberals are. It's a matter of honor to her. In one of the best examples
that a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged, she once had to
use a gun to protect herself from an ex-boyfriend who liked to beat
on her, and found her everywhere she went. So she bought a gun and,
when he kicked her door in and attempted to assault her again, she
scared the hell out of him by shooting at him as he tried to come up
the stairs in her home. He hasn't been seen nor heard from, since.
She didn't have a restraining order against him because she probably
realized that piece of paper was useless. Her gun was her
“restraining order,” and it worked. That experience made her
question her former liberal stance, and she is now a proud
conservative, even if that stance has cost her some work in liberal
Hollywood. She even wrote a book about it. (The Blaze)
Stern Mocks Gun Control
equated it to sheep, lining up for the slaughter of the wolves who
“pick off” a couple of the sheep every night, and what would
happen if the sheep had guns and the will to use them. What would
have happened if the Jews had had some AR-15s when the Nazis came to
their door to take them to the gas chambers? Howard Stern isn't
usually saying things conservatives like, but even some liberals have
had enough. And Stern is a good example of a liberal that has “had
it” with the fools who take guns into “no gun zones” and kill
unarmed innocent people. Why the anti-gun fools can't get it through
their thick skulls that DISARMING yourself is NOT the way to self
defense is a mystery. Maybe they're just stupid. Or evil. (World Net Daily)
Sunday, June 26, 2016
The Failure of Socialism
Socialism does not work. That has been proven over and over, as
socialist government after socialist government collapse when it runs
out of “other people's money (OPM). It happened in Russia after
they spent all the OPM they had in trying to keep up with America in
the “arms race.” It is soon to happen in Cuba, as the health of
the one real “strong man” runs out, their socialist friends (like
Russia and other failing socialist friends who still had OPM left
collapse, one after the other). It's happening in socialist
Venezuela, where food shipments are guarded by armed men so they will
make it to the store without being stolen by hungry citizens who
haven't eaten in days, maybe weeks. Meanwhile, the daughter of the
now dead former dictator is the richest person in the country. Many
more countries, run on socialist principles, will soon fail, (like
the socialist European Union, which is beginning to crumble as
England has had enough and is breaking away), yet fools
keep promoting socialism, or at least socialist principles as if they
were “the best thing since sliced bread.” They teach it in
schools, and brainwash our kids to believe in it. They teach it like
a religion and soon the kids “have faith,” just as with a
religion. (Just common sense)
"GOP Is Afraid of the NRA"
That's what John Legend (who?) says. He says
the ONLY reason Congress won't pass their stupid anti-gun legislation
is because “Republicans are afraid of the NRA.” Of course,
there's no other possible reason, right? It's not possible that
Americans don't believe the anti-gun fools' pipe-dream that all you
have to do is “make a law” and lawbreakers will obey it
when they don't obey other laws, and want the means to defend
themselves against the millions of ILLEGAL guns out there. Anti-gun
fools are really stupid. They prove it every time they open their
mouths, or sponsor a bill in Congress. None of the laws they have
made in the past have ever done ANYTHING to “stem the tide” of
gun violence, but that makes no difference to them. Making such laws
are part of their “religion” and, like members of other
religions, they take it on “faith” that their laws will work,
while all they do is get people killed because they haven't the means
to self defense. And now Democrats in the Congress do something
juvenile like a “sit-in” to protest the fact that four of their
latest fiascoes were rejected by the Congress. So They call that
“inaction.” (Daily Caller)
Learning How to Lie
CNN's Don Lemon
says, “The media is NOT trying to make this about guns! It's NOT!
It's NOT! Methinks he doth protest too much. Maybe somebody should
crack open his eyes because if he can't see that the media IS “making
the Orlando shooting about guns,” instead of about the killer, And
his own CNN is one of the worst offenders, he has no business being
in a position where he can influence lots of people. One day, Lemon
should be attacked by a man with a gun. He'd wish then, that HE had a
gun to use in defending himself. People like Lemon only think the way
they do because they've never had that experience. Mostly because they've been brainwashed by the media, and
they're insulated from armed thugs by their own armed thugs. If you
don't believe it, just try to walk into the CNN offices where he
works without going through a bunch of armed security. Lemon must be
taking lessons from Barack Obama on how to lie about things he knows nothing about, and most
people KNOW are lies. (Mediaite)
Saturday, June 25, 2016
They're All The Same
The Islamic terrorists use many different names,
but they're all the same bunch.: murderous, evil killers PRETENDING
to be doing something to support their phony religion. al-Qaida,
ISIS, ISIL, Boko Haram, Palestinians, Taliban, etc. I don't care what
you call them, they're evil murderers who go about murdering
innocents for not believing in their phony “religion.” I say that
because their “religion” was created by a child raper who had a
9-year-old “wife,” and wanted to legitimize his sexual
preferences. He was a mass killer in his own right, who liked to
screw young children. Other children, he had beheaded to strike fear
into the hearts of his enemies, which were anybody who didn't believe
in his “religion.” Many of his followers might regard it as a
real religion and be completely innocent.,
But their practices, even
if they are “peaceful Muslims,” are reprehensible. They “marry”
girls as young as SIX, and call it “legal.” With the young boys
they screw, they don't even bother with the “marriage” scam. They
just chain them to beds so they can't run away. Sometimes they make
the mothers watch. They treat their women as little better than
slaves, making them walk around wearing what can be best described as
a “tent,” to keep their “favors” for themselves by hiding
them away from other men. Their “religion” is still based on
murdering “unbelievers.” No REAL religion would approve of that.
A bunch of thugs and killers would. Each bunch adopts it's own name,
to confuse people. Most Muslims have several names they go by for the
same reason, and so do Muslim terrorist organizations. They try to
convince us each group is on it's own, but they all adhere to the
same concept: to “convert” or kill those who will not believe in
their blood-dripping “religion.” (Just common sense)
Which Predominates?
I really get sick and tired of politicians who
say, “Federal law is superior to state and local laws.” That
completely ignores the Tenth amendment, which clearly says just the
opposite. Politicians, (mostly liberals) ignore this, using an
obscure “law” about “commerce” to tell us that doesn't
matter, because they can, somehow, claim EVERYTHING has something to
do with “commerce,” which is a stretch, ar best. Like the Second
Amendment, which they're also trying to overcome, Amendment 10 is
very clear when it says, “The powers not delegated to the United
States by the Constitution, or prohibited by the states, are reserved
exclusively to the states, or to the people.” Nothing could be
more clear than that, no matter how much they try to obfuscate the
issue. That means state and local laws TRUMP federal laws, in all
cases! (iPatriot)
It's Easy To Say
After the killings are done, it's easy to say, “We
are in solidarity with the victims” and hold “vigils” with
candle light. That only makes candles a “hot item.” It does
NOTHING to “support” the people who have been murdered by a fool
with a gun he bought LEGALLY, obeying all laws, then DISOBEYED all
laws when he transported those guns across several states ILLEGALLY,
after murdering a woman in his home state. Standing in a “candlelight
vigil” does NOTHING to help those murdered. It didn't help the
people we “left twisting in the wind” in Benghazi when we COULD
have sent people to keep them alive. Like this writer, I'm getting
sick and tired of people “mourning together,” holding candles “in memorium,” praying for the victims, and saying, “We feel your
pain.” They don't. only those who were murdered can “feel their
pain.” Supporting them is making sure there won't be any more such
victims by allowing honest, law-abiding people to have guns and the
right to carry them when they go out among other people. We're not
all morons, as the anti-gun fools want us to think. We won't “start
shooting” at the slightest provocation, and if we do, SOMEBODY in
the crowd will put a stop to it. (iPatriot)
Friday, June 24, 2016
They Got A Surprise!
Muslim women who tried to victimize this restaurant, got a big
surprise when they sued the restaurant for religious discrimination.
They claimed, after overstaying the posted 45 minute limit on
occupying a booth in busy times that, if they had not been obvious
Muslims, they would not have been bothered. So the restaurant counter
sued, and they found out that one of the owners was Muslim. So
there's no way it could have been bias against Muslims. So they're
not likely to get the usual fanatically large monetary award Muslims
often get in these cases after they “judge shop” to find one that
is sufficiently liberal to give them such an award. This needs to
happen more often, and might cause a “chilling effect” on Muslims
“ponying up” religious discrimination cases where they don't
exist. This case is yet one more case of “peaceful Muslims”
making trouble everywhere they can, to support the Islamic terrorists
in their quest to get us all to “convert” to Islam, or kill us.
(The Blaze)
Insulting Our Intelligense
Obama does it all the time. like the time (recently) when he told us
the economy was “doing great,” while 96 million Americans were
out of work, and have been so for so long, they've given up on ever
finding another viable job, so he can remove them from the workforce
and only count those left, while LYING to us and telling us the
unemployment numbers are small. He does it again when, while visiting
the victims and the families of the Orlando killings, he says, “If
we don't take action, we're going to have more of these killings,”
he means that. “taking action” means DISARMING honest,
law-abiding Americans, making them DEFENSELESS against such things as
this shooter. He thinks, like most incompetent liberal politicians,
that the secret to defending ourselves is to take away our guns. He
thinks all we have to do when threatened is to call 9/11. when we do,
the “bad guy “ can kill us while we're waiting for the cops to
arrive. The cops, themselves, are the first to tell us they “can't
be everywhere” and we should rely on ourselves. Ergo, have our own
guns. The police POLITICIANS tell us otherwise, against logic and
reason. But the cops “in the trenches” know it's true. Then there's the almost $20 TRILLION dollars in debt, the money HE spent almost DOUBLING the national debt so we won't get it paid off while any of us are still alive. (USA Today)
Government Incompetence
The amount of incompetence displayed by government
“officials” is everywhere. But nobody seems to notice—except
people like me, who “pay attention to politics” even before that
period just before an election when the lies are flying everywhere.
Liberals are the worst, but there is incompetence on both sides.
That's why the Republican establishment is so opposed to Trump that
they would even support, and vote for, Hillary or Bernie, whichever
wins the Democrat nomination. You know that's abject stupidity, and I
know that's abject stupidity. But politicians don't. They're so
jealous of their “power” to DICTATE who we MAY vote for, they go
out of their way to defeat their own candidate, because they know
they will not be able to control him with the “purse strings”
like they can with most politicians, who spend $MILLIONS (of other
people's money) to gain a job that only pays around $150,000.00
(above the table) a year and “mysteriously” become millionaires
after a few years in DC. (iPatriot)
Thursday, June 23, 2016
More Often, Please!
This bunch of Islamic terrorists were on their way
to blow up a bunch of innocent people, but we knew what they were up
to. So we did something about it. When I say “we,” I include the
British, because they're fighting the terrorists, too. And they don't
labor under the stupid “rules of engagement” Obama has placed on
our troops. A British sniper took aim at the terrorists from almost a
half mile away and killed TWO of them with one shot before they could
get to their target, saving many innocent lives in the process. It's
too bad an American sniper could not do this because of Obama's silly
“rules of engagement.” I'm sure we have snipers as skilled as
this one in our ranks, but Obama will not allow them to do what
they're good at, because he wants the terrorists to win. So he
“hamstrings” our forces at every turn. This kind of thing needs
to happen much more often, and with AMERICAN snipers taking the
terrorists out. But that won't happen as long as this “Manchurian
candidate” is in office. The sooner we get rid of this fool, the
better. (Freedom Outpost)
"Right-Wingers Are Like Terrorists"
DHS Director Jeh Johnson says, “Right-wing extremists are as much
of a threat as Islamic terrorists.” This horse manure was said with
a smug expression on his face at a meeting of the Homeland Security
Advisory Committee in Texas. It really amazes me how incompetent
politicians and bureaucrats divert attention from their incompetence
by blaming blameless people for what they can't seem to control. And
nobody calls them on it. Much less our incompetent president, who
probably agrees with him. Right-wingers are the "loyal opposition”
to the damned fool policies of the liberals currently in charge. And
they think, in their incompetence, they can blunt their opposition by
making such STUPID comments. Truth is, it is the LEFT-wingers that
are the danger. For proof, just look at what they espouse. From
thinking all they have to do is ask people not to bring their guns in
certain places to keep guns out, to allowing MEN in women's restrooms
and changing rooms if they SAY they “see themselves as women
today.” (Weasel Zippers)
Proving Themselves Stupid
The anti-gun fools say, “For every gun used
in self defense, 6 are used to commit a crime.” They say that in
defense of their USELESS “gun laws,” but the argument doesn't
stand up. There's a good reason for that: they limit the guns
honest, law-abiding people can BUY, while criminals buy their guns
ILLEGALLY, unencumbered by laws they IGNORE. Owners of legal guns
don't go out and search for shooting incidents into which they can
insert themselves. Armed CRIMINALS do. They just don't care about any
laws, so they will NATURALLY get into more “gun scrapes” than
will LEGAL gun owners. I get really tired of pointing this out, and
being not only ignored, but ridiculed. (Washington Post)
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Three Word Response
Warning: “Nasty words below.” Alex Epstein,
author of “The Moral Case For Fossil fuels,” and a well-known
global warming “denier,” sent back a three word response to the
Massachusetts Attorney General, when she “subpoenaed his e-mails.”
His response was, “F—k off, Fascist!” Which is an appropriate
response to an AG that is overstepping her authority. The
Constitution protects those who are skeptical of ANYTHING, and this
AG has NO RIGHT to subpoena his e-mails in her “investigation” of
global warming (climate change, or whatever they're calling their
swindle now) "deniers." This is simply an attempt to “shut up” global
warming skeptics, which is patently ILLEGAL And if this AG is a competent lawyer, she KNOWS it, and obviously doesn't care. Liberals, when they
can't answer questions raised by critics, just want to shut them up,
instead or honestly trying to answer. (The Blaze)
"That's Not the Point!"
As usual, liberal lawmakers miss the point,
altogether. On purpose, or otherwise, I can't say. Schumer and
Feinstein say that “FBI suspicions should be enough to stop a
subject from buying a gun.” WRONG! FBI suspicions alone, should NOT
be enough to keep somebody from buying a gun. In the case of the
Orlando shooter, it was not just “suspicions,” and should at
least put him on a “watch list” so that, when he bought several
guns on the same day, it should be noticed, and they could at least
find out why, and maybe intervene before 49 people get killed. They
have the power to STOP him from USING those guns if they have a
pretty good idea what he wants to do with them. In this case, he had
actually been TALKING about his hatred for gays, even though he may
have been gay, himself. Sounds as if he may have been mad at himself.
(CNS News)
"Gays Need Guns"
That's the message being sent in California, where
they are trying to pass a number of typically USELESS gun laws. The
question is, “How can transgenders defend themselves without guns?”
That's labeled as a “specious argument” by the anti-gun fools,
though it is tragically true. If ANYBODY had his own gun, he's much
more likely to be able to defend himself when faced by a criminal
with his ILLEGAL gun—which is becoming more and more likely, every
day. The anti-gun fools whine about honest, law-abiding people
getting their guns easily, but say nothing about how easy it is to
get a gun ILLEGALLY. But saying that arguing that people need to have
their own guns to be able to defend themselves is NOT “a specious
argument.” Saying that is the anti-gun fool's way of rejecting a
logical argument, and feeling superior at the same time. (SF Weekly)
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Systemic Brainwashing
Wayne State
University in Detroit (a public college) has eliminated math as a
required subject, replacing it with a “diversity” class. Such
classes are a simple INDOCTRINATION of students to think the liberal
way. It's BRAINWASHING, as simple as that. And students are REQUIRED
to suffer it, in order to graduate. This is how the Soviets, in
Russia, used to brainwash their students in the communist way, and
I'd bet that “appreciation” for socialism (which is much the same
thing) is part of the curriculum. Students who object are called
names, and are subject to intimidation by the school hierarchy for
their “negative views.” Never mind that the Constitution
guarantees their right to dissent. This is how liberals make more
liberals. Students go into their schools without stupid views and
leave with all the stupid views the schools can pack into their
heads. College is no longer a way to EDUCATE students. It is now a
way to BRAINWASH them. And charge them a BUNDLE to do it. (Minutemen News)
"Christian Right" At Fault?
The ACLU blames the “Christian Right” for
the Orlando shooter. Damn! Is there a cloud of “stupid dust”
affecting people? The shooter is a Muslim, who loudly professed his
allegiance to ISIS WHILE he was killing people. It is well known he
was incensed over seeing two MEN kissing in Miami some time ago. And
even though he may have been gay, himself, he had many times stated
his HATRED of gays, ACLU blames the “Christian Right?” Some
people RUSH to demonstrate their stupidity, and that's what ACLU has
done with this statement. Liberals (which ACLU definitely is)
commonly divert blame from themselves by twisting things to allow
themselves to blame “right-wingers” for what is a problem
essentially created by the LEFT. But this has nothing to do with
that. It is ONE MAN, angry at HIMSELF for being gay, and transferring
that anger onto others, who murdered 49 people and wounded 50 others.
Hillary's An Imbecile!
In the midst of the investigation into the Orlando gay night club
massacre, which was SOLVED by use of a “weapon of war,”
specifically an armored vehicle they used to go through a wall into a
restroom (probably women's) where he was hiding, holding a bunch of
hostages. She talks about Trump “wanting to go back” to the past and then
says something stupid like, “Weapons of war have no place on our
streets” right after one was successfully used to end a mass
shooting. I used to feel the same way about local police departments
getting armored vehicles and other “weapons of war.” But, looking
at it in the wider view, I have reversed my previous opinion, based
on new information, as all intelligent people do. With Obama
facilitating the Islamic terrorist “soldiers” infiltrating us by
the thousands (at taxpayer expense), the smallest communities will
need such weapons, in self defense. (Truth About Guns)
Monday, June 20, 2016
It Was A Real Lark
The Orlando shooter, whom I will not name,
because he wanted to become famous, went into his massacre as a lark. He
called 9/11 three times DURING his shooting spree and declared his
allegiance to ISIS. He maintained a regular check on Facebook and
Twitter to see what kind of coverage he was getting. And he texted
his wife several times with one hand while killing people with the
other. It's really too bad there are people like this fool running
around in this country, killing people just for the fun of it. And no
amount of “gun control” as we know it is going to stop it, or even slow it
down. Such people always get their guns, legally or illegally. IT
doesn't matter to them. They plan to commit many murders, so a
piddling little law like a gun law means NOTHING to them. The World
Trade Center killers didn't even USE guns. They used BOX CUTTERS and
AIRPLANES! So should we ban box cutters? AIRPLANES? Other such
killers use KNIVES. If they want to kill, they'll find a way. Guns
are only one tool they use. (Just common sense)
"Hillary's An Imbecile"
In the midst of the investigation into the Orlando gay night club
massacre, which was SOLVED by use of a “weapon of war,”
specifically an armored vehicle they used to go through a wall into a
restroom (probably women's) where he was hiding, holding a bunch of
hostages. She talks about Trump “wanting to go back” and then
says something stupid like, “Weapons of war have no place on our
streets” right after one was successfully used to end a mass
shooting. I used to feel the same way about local police departments
getting armored vehicles and other “weapons of war.” But, looking
at it in the wider view, I have reversed my previous opinion, based
on new information, as all intelligent people do. With Obama
facilitating the Islamic terrorist “soldiers” infiltrating us by
the thousands (at taxpayer expense), the smallest communities will
need such weapons, in self defense. (Truth About Guns)
"It's Just Not True!"
Obama says, “The notion that I, Hillary, or any other Democrat
wants to take away your guns is just not true!” It isn't? Then why
are you—all of you—working so hard to do just that? Do you really
think intelligent people will believe that garbage just because you
say it? Especially when we KNOW how much you love to LIE, knowing we
know you're lying? The way for us to know what you're really doing is
to NEVER listen to what you SAY, but keep track of what you DO. Your
actions put the LIE to such statements, on your part. Just as when
you say the economy is in great shape, when we KNOW it is NOT. With
96 million Americans are not only out of work, they have given up on
ever finding a meaningful job again and have left the work force,
allowing you to stop counting them, which is how you can claim such
low unemployment numbers. When the national debt is now DOUBLE what
it was when you took office. Give us a BREAK! (Daily Caller)
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Child Rape "Normal"
in Muslim countries. To their credit, the Taliban doesn't think so—at
least, on the surface. Afghan cops are the worst offenders, sometimes
refusing to show up for work if they can't have a boy to screw. And
it has been the death of many of them, since some elements use the
boys to set them up to be murdered. Many Muslims, who hate
homosexuals, don't consider screwing little boys homosexuality, as we
do. And they call US “perverted.” This is a subject that has
created much distension between different Muslim camps. One reason
this is so popular is that women are almost invisible in the Muslim
culture, which is their own fault for being so afraid someone will
see their women and want them, they force them to go about wearing
what can only be described as “tents.” And Muslim men are so
starved for sex they'll screw anything. Knot holes, watch out! (MRC TV)
"Break the Law!"
That's what Obama is telling schools all over the nation when he
instructs them to open women's bathrooms and changing rooms to both sexes. It
is AGAINST THE LAW for a male of any age to enter a women's restroom
or changing room and expose himself. Obama is ORDERING them to
VIOLATE THE LAW. What makes him think he has the power to do that is
beyond me. But he has gotten away with violating the Constitution so
many times, I guess he thinks he can violate existing laws, as well.
He has violated existing laws, too, himself. But this is probably the
first time he has ever given ORDERS for people to violate the law—not
just ignore it, as he regularly does with the Border Control people.
Obama is the most lawbreaking president in memory. But this one is
the worst, ever. (World Net Daily)
A "Truth Bomb"
Nugent has just dropped a “truth bomb” on the anti-gun fools who
think an unarmed community is a safe community. “People who argue
for the banning of arms ask for automatic rule by the young, the
strong, and the many, and that’s the exact opposite of a civilized
society. A mugger, even an armed one, can only make a successful
living in a society where the state has granted him a force
monopoly.” A
“force monopoly.” I'm a 78-year-old man who can barely walk. I
would have NO CHANCE against an ILLEGALLY-armed criminal if he
accosted me. And thugs, who are basically cowards, look upon people
like me as “easy targets, which makes it much more likely they WILL
accost me than younger, able-bodied person. A gun in my hand would
make all the difference, while maybe eliminating that thug from
future actions against honest people. It makes us EQUAL. And, unlike
what anti-gun fools insist, just because I'm armed, I won't be
shooting anybody over something as unimportant as a fender-bender or
just shooting myself. Responsible human beings don't do things like
that. And there are already enough ILLEGAL guns out there in the
hands of fools to have that happen, since most of them are in the
hands of those thugs and gang members, who will kill you for looking
at them wrong. (Daily Caller)
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Dismantling the Military
That's what Obama is doing. Not only the current
military, but also our veteran's medical care. That's according to
former Department of Homeland Security officer Philip Haney. And he
should know, having been “on the inside.” Haney and his
associates collected a “mountain” of information on terrorist
networks, but Obama and his crowd have refused to acknowledge it.
Information on a major Islamic terrorist system was summarily “shut
down” by the State Department, under Hillary and Obama. Their
excuse was that they didn't want to “offend” the Muslims, who are
the easiest offended group there is.
believes that if he had been allowed to continue his investigation,
the information he and his fellow agents uncovered might have
PREVENTED the Orlando massacre. And Obama dismantled the apparatus
designed to protect us from further attacks by Islamic terrorists
that was painstakingly created after 9/11. Meanwhile, Obama is
heavily cutting the military budgets to the point where our military
will soon be completely UNABLE to stop an attack on the United
States, by anybody. One example is a helicopter squadron that has
only TWO helicopters capable of flying, due to lack of parts to fix
the others. And with almost NO aircraft, pilots aren't getting enough
flying time to be able to maintain their flying status. This is an
abomination. Haney says what Obama is systematically doing is
“dereliction of duty.” (World Net Daily)
"In A Glass House"
Mitt Romney ought to look at his own record and then just SHUT UP. He
was giving 16 former Republican candidates for president a hard time
for “screwing up” and losing to Donald Trump. It's as if he
didn't “screw up” and lose to Barack Obama and condemn us to four
more years of Obama outrages. Where the hell does he get off
criticizing Republican candidates for the same thing? It's like he
has no memory of his own history. Romney is probably the worst LOSER
in recent history, and he's criticizing others for the same thing.
If he hadn't screwed up his campaign so badly, we wouldn't have been
saddled with that incompetent fool that is now in the White House,
for another four years. And it is in Obama's last four years, that
(he has done the most damage to this country. Romney could have put a
stop to Obama, but he didn't. So he should just go home and shut his
pie hole. (Politico)
Laws Are Not For Us
That seems to be the general opinion among anti-gun
fools. Example: Washington Post columnist Carl Rowan, said, :Anyone
found in possession of a gun, except a bona-fide law officer should
go to jail—period.” But when he found an unauthorized teenager
swimming in his pool, what did he do? He ran out and shot him, with
his gun. Did he go to jail for possessing a gun? Doubtful. He's a
liberal, after all. Then there's Katie Couric's producer, who
traveled to different states and bought guns, to bring back to New
York, ostensibly to do a “documentary” designed to demonize guns.
We don't know how many laws she violated, but nobody's pressing the
issue, anyway. She's a liberal, right? They hate guns, but what do
they suggest as a remedy? Take them out and SHOOT them! Senator (now
Secretary of State) John Kerry talked about “assassinating George
Bush?" Then there's the Democrat representative who said Rick Scott
should be “put up against a wall and shot” instead of running for
Governor of Florida because he was pro-gun? These people are so
hypocritical the word hypocrite isn't harsh enough. And their
rhetoric is VERY violent. That's what happens when people run out of
arguments. They go immediately to insults and threats. (Gun Owners of America)
Friday, June 17, 2016
Ignoring The Danger
That's what
we seem to be doing about Islamic terrorism. Obama is “leading the
parade.” He has recently ordered his people to DELETE information
they have carefully accumulated about Muslim terrorists IN the United
States (sometimes at the cost of lives)! And way too many judges have
given MASSIVE judgments to Muslims, who are the most offended bunch
ever. I think they go out LOOKING for something to be offended by,
and for which they can sue, and swindle lots of money out of Christians. Meanwhile, people like the Orlando shooter legally buy
guns, without any kind of investigation, even after having been
“investigated” by the FBI for ELEVEN MONTHS in the past (the
information gained was probably ordered scrubbed by Obama). What is
it going to take for Americans (starting with Obama) to realize the
deadly danger in which their ignorance puts us? When they, themselves, are
KILLED due to their ignorance? (Just common sense.)
Why Islam Should Be Banned
Muslims insist that ANY criticism of
Muslims is an “assault on religious liberty.” It is NOT. Any
“religion” that preaches HATRED for members of other religions to
the point where a mother would burn her own daughter to death for
marrying the wrong man (probably not a Muslim) should be ENDED, and
deleted from memory. The woman who did this is a “peaceful Muslim,”
in that she burned her own daughter to death, not an American, or a
citizen of another country. People who are so heavily INDOCTRINATED
in a false religion that they murder their own CHILDREN to please the
Imams are FOOLS, and their “religion” should be ENDED. It should
not be allowed to infect the lives of others, who are too intelligent
than to believe the crap they teach, but will be affected by the
DEATH they preach. (Allen West)
Major Birmingham Gun Problem
England has some of the toughest gun laws
in the world. Why then, does Birmingham have such a major problem
with gun crime? Could it be that criminals and gang members are
IGNORING those gun laws? How is that possible? Don't criminals and
gang members obey laws? Thinking they do is one of the basic flaws in
most current gun laws. There are many other flaws in the laws they're
currently making that not only makes them USELESS in stopping gun
crime, they actually PROMOTE it. Therefore, these laws get people
KILLED. But you'll never get them to admit that. Less than a half
hour after a recent killing at UCLA the anti-gun fools were
fund-raising, using that crime to con more money out of gullible
people. They don't really want to make laws that work. If they did,
hopefully, the problem would go away and their lucrative jobs would
be gone. And they don't want that. Whipping up anti-gun sentiment
pays too well. (Birmingham Mail)
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Incompetence In Government
We're all angry over the many outrages perpetrated
on us by one Barack Hussein Obama, whom we (not me) elected TWICE in
our ignorance, so he could work tirelessly to destroy this as a free
market nation. He, and other fools like him, try to convince us
that the free market (which they call “capitalism” as an insult)
is NOT the reason why this is the destination of choice for ALL who
want to improve their lives. That it is not the reason we have
surpassed, in less than 300 years, anything other countries, which
have been around for thousands of years, have accomplished. They
think socialism is the only real system, even though socialism has
FAILED, everywhere it has been tried, eventually. Or soon will. Some socialist
governments survive for a time, until they run out of the money
provided by the “producers” of society, or the money GIVEN them
by other socialist nations that have some left (Example: Cuba). There
are many examples of their incompetence, and this article lists only
a few. But I'm sure you can spot others, once your eyes are opened.
GOP Is Stupid!
And getting stupider. Any political party that is so
dead set against it's own presumptive nominee that they would
actively work to elect his opposing candidate in the OTHER party
ought to be run out of town on a rail. They're more interested in
retaining their power to DICTATE who we can vote for than what is
good for this country. They KNOW Hillary is DEATH for this country
and her election will only lead to disaster. But they don't care
about that. They'd rather see the destruction of this country as a
free nation than lose their power to appoint whomever they please, so
we will be forced to vote for them. The Republican Party is FINISHED
as a viable political party in this country. They will soon go the
way of the Whigs. And that fate is richly deserved. (American Spectator)
"Friendly Fire"
Target Stores
shareholders aren't too happy with the policy to allow men to enter
women's restrooms and/or dressing rooms if they decide they're women
today. They demanded an answer from their CEO as to why this was
done. He kept repeating that “mantra” about “inclusivity”
(not even a word) and “diversity,” completely ignoring the fact
that transgenders are less than .01% of the populace, at large. The
shareholders said that “He just doesn't seem to understand that he
has offended the sensibilities of millions of Americans.” By so
doing, he has cost Target billions of dollars in lost sales. I
wouldn't give a dime for his job, soon. He thinks he is boss and his
word is law. But he'll soon learn that the shareholders are more
powerful than he ever was. And they're PISSED! Maybe there aren't too
many transgenders among them, either. The CEO said this had not
affected Target's financial performance in any way, ignoring the
significant drop, worth $billions, in their stock price, dating from
the day the new bathroom policy was announced. The shareholders said
that “bordered on fiduciary negligence.” Harsh words, and I'd bet
a prelude to demanding his resignation as CEO. (World Net Daily)
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Trump: 70% Negatives
If that's true, why does Trump get tens of
thousands of people at his rallies, consistently? Ten times what any
Democrat has gotten at their rallies! I think we need to look more
closely at the methodology of the the “polls.” I think they only
questioned liberals (Democrats). I think they took their “surveys”
in the lobby of the Democrat Headquarters. I think it's horse manure,
put out by the “establishment,” designed to make their fantasies
come true. It's the same thing when they talk about Hillary BEATING
Trump in the polls. She has had, for most of her campaign, just ONE
person opposing her, and that an ADMITTED socialist. While Trump
started out with 16 opposing candidates, and he “swept through”
them like a scythe through a wheat field. He is one of the most
successful candidates in the history of presidential elections. How
could he do that with 70% negatives? (Hot Air)
Ninth "Circus" Rules
The liberal “Ninth Circus” Court has ruled. The
most reversed court in the land has ruled. They ruled in favor of
California's requirement that applicants show “good and proper
reason” to need to carry a gun in order to get a “carry permit.”
And in so doing, said that Americans have NO right to carry a gun for
self protection, or for anything else. This is a good example of what
we'll get if Hillary gets elected and is able to appoint the next
Supreme Court Justice. “Rulings” that are patently AGAINST the
Constitution, when their ONE job is to UPHOLD the Constitution.
Liberals on the Supreme Court are famous for ruling AGAINST the
Constitution, even though they are THERE to UPHOLD it
They are
dishonest, and commonly rule, NOT by what the Constitution SAYS, but
by their prejudices and BIASES. It is through liberals on the court
that liberals plan to eliminate the Constitution as an obstacle to
their intentions, forever. Little by little they “nibble” at it
with rulings like this. Their next move is to get the Second
Amendment repealed. After that will be the First Amendment. When that
happens, this will cease to be a free country, when the ability to
criticize the government without fear of criminal prosecution is
removed, They're already working on it (in California, where else?)
with their attempts to criminalize criticism of global warming
acolytes. The source listed here is a liberal site, so take what they
write with several grains of salt. (Slate)
Dead In A Gun-Free Zone
Panera Bread Restaurants are ALL “gun-free zones.” so
you ought to be safe there, right? These two cops were NOT. Somebody
saw this guy “acting strangely” in a Maryland Panera Bread and
called the cops. Two deputies arrived, and he promptly shot them to
death before they even knew what was going on. How is this POSSIBLE? There aren't supposed to be any guns in
Panera Bread restaurants. It's obvious this guy ignored their rules,
as all those wishing to commit crimes do. People who plan on
committing crimes do not obey laws or “rules” that say they can't
bring their guns there. Gun-free zones are really stupid “answer”
to gun violence. All they do is DISARM honest, law-abiding people,
who aren't the problem, anyway. They do NOTHING to prevent criminals,
who don't OBEY laws or rules, from bringing their guns, and that gets
people killed. But the anti-gun fools will never learn that. I, and
others keep telling them, but they never listen. They're too damned stupid. (Guns 'n' Freedom)
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Missing the Point
On purpose. That's Obama. He denies the very existence
of Islamic terrorism, and gets mad when somebody mentions it. He asks
what effect his mentioning it would have on the terrorists when he
should be asking what his refusal to name the enemy really means.
What is means is this: it reveals his BIAS against fighting the
Islamic terrorists because he says he doesn't want to “”offend”
our “Muslim friends” (if there are any). But everything he does
helps the Islamic terrorists to advance their goals to destroy
America, and every “un-believer” in it. From HELPING them by
paying the way of thousands of Muslim “refugees” to infiltrate
America, down to telling his henchmen to DIVERT all complaints
directed at Muslim troublemakers, and ordering them to “scrub”
all mention of Muslim outrages in their records. He has done
everything he can to ASSIST them in their endeavors. Obama and
Hillary both say Trump has shown his UNFITNESS to be president for
having the temerity to ACCUSE Obama of what is becoming more and more
evident every day, that he is ON THEIR SIDE! If they don't like me
saying that, have at me! (Just common sense)
Couric Eliminates Lott
You've no doubt heard of John Lott, the world's
foremost authority on the gun issue. Katie Couric asked him to come
to New York for an interview, where she and 7 staffers tried
valiantly to get him to say something they could twist to sound like
what it wasn't. So, after FOUR HOURS of an”interview” that was
supposed to last only an hour, she gave up and left. He tried to get
some of his results brought out, but Couric said that most of it had
been discredited in many ways. Only one little problem. It had NOT
been discredited, in any way. Even some people who set out to
discredit his research wound up supporting it. So what did Katie do
with this four-hour interview? She left it completely OUT of her
propaganda piece. She wasn't able to get words she could twist, like
she did with others, so she just IGNORED the foremost authority on
the “gun issue” in the country. This is what liberals do. They
make “documentaries” in which they only honestly interview people
they know will agree with them, and selectively edit interviews with
people like Lott. But Lott was better at avoiding the pitfalls she
set for him, so she just eliminated the interview and falsely called
his research “discredited.” (America's First Freedom)
Laughable Election
I can't believe how STUPID we've become (not me)! We've
boiled down this election to be one billionaire businessman used to
dealing in billions of dollar deals vs. Two socialists, one ADMITTED
and one who still denies it while she spouts socialist giveaways all
over the place. A housewife who spent a long time protecting her
husband from the results of his philandering, and FACILITATING it. A
woman who was GIVEN a Senatorship and later, the job of Secretary of
State by the Democrats, so she had something to do while Obama
screwed up this country royally, both jobs which she botched badly.
The only people who would vote for either of these fools just want a
“free ride,” at somebody else's expense. And that's what they
promise. Now that she's been GIVEN enough delegates to win the
Democrat nomination, she really thinks she's done something. But she
hasn't. Up to now, all she's had running against her was a previously
unknown outside of his own state ADMITTED socialist, and she needed
the party to give her delegates she didn't earn, while Bernie won
primary after primary and, mysteriously wound up with fewer
delegates. Now she will be running against REAL candidate, who will
“mop the floor with her.” If he doesn't, we're DONE as a free
country. (WHO TV)
Monday, June 13, 2016
It's Not About Gun Control!
The anti-gun fools have been quick to get their “presses rolling”
on a new drive for “gun control” after this Muslim
radical murdered half a hundred gays in a gay night club in Orlando,
Florida. Obama admits it is “terrorism,” but, as usual, won't
breathe the word, “Islamic.” But it's not about gun control. It's
about TERRORISM control, which is, as usual, being ignored. With the
rise in gay activism and it's recent successes, you can expect more
attacks on gays, soon. They're acting like bullies and targeting
people they KNOW will refuse to do business with them on religious
principles, so they can sue them out of business. They have to expect
some backlash. Muslims, who hate homosexuals, anyway, can be expected
to react violently, as they are wont to do. Incompetent politicians
(beginning with Obama) still think all you have to do is make a law,
and potential lawbreakers will obey it, including radical Muslims,
who don't give a CRAP about our laws. (iPatriot)
"It Would Take 75 Years!"
The State Department is now using a really
original and outrageous excuse as to why they can't come up with all
Hillary's e-mails: “It would take 75 years!” So now they want to
stop providing them, altogether. Think about what would happen if you
used an excuse like that on the IRS. “I've got so many receipts, it
would take YEARS to get them all together, so you're just going to
have to do without them.” You'd be in prison so fast, you'd be
spinning. That means they won't be able to release all of her e-mails
until 2091. Of course, the way things are going, there might not BE
an America, as we know it by then. The simple answer is to go through
as many as they can, and release as many as they can. But they never think of things like that. They're trying
to protect Hillary long enough for her to be elected president, so
she can order that investigation stopped. They're also saying, “Some
of them ate too damaging to release.” Damaging to WHOM? Hillary?
Other politicians? The State Department? I'm really getting tired of
this “dog and pony show.” I'd like for it to be over, with
Hillary getting what she deserves. (CNN)
France Is "Gun-Free"
So somebody fired at a tourist bus from a
freeway overpass, injuring several. This guy was obviously not a very
good shot, because he was only able to INJURE several people
(including a child) with flying glass. So how did he get the gun he
used? I say, :he” because such shooters are, so far, ALWAYS men.
You liberals, don't get excited about that and get off subject.
France is literally “gun-free.” So how did this shooter GET his
gun? Anti-gun fools tell us that when guns are outlawed, there will
BE no “violent crime.” So how did this happen in a country that
is one big “gun-free zone?” Maybe they're LYING to us and
assuming things not in evidence, as they always do. I haven't checked
into it, but I'd bet the “gun crime” went up significantly after
they, in effect, BANNED guns in France. (BBC)
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Is It Terrorism?
Or just hate? Or both? One crazy Muslim who was
incensed because he once saw two men kissing on the street in Miami
went into a gay night club and opened fire, killing (so far) 50
people and wounding (so far) another 50 until he was stopped, and
KILLED by responding men with guns (cops). There was ONE cop there
early, who engaged him in a gun fight, and stopped, or slowed down
his shooting spree. Then a “hostage situation” developed, and the
other cops waited 3 hours while people died from lack of medical care, before “going in” and rescuing another 30
people. Anti-gun fools are already working overtime to use this to
raise more money and get more of their USELESS “gun laws” passed,
none of which, so far, have done ANYTHING to stop gun violence and,
in fact, INCREASED it by keeping law-abiding people unarmed so they
can't defend themselves against people like this shooter. Word is
(not proven at this time) that he had an AR-15, the favorite gun to
be blamed by the anti-gun fools in any mass shooting. Also, word is,
this guy had NO record, so would probably have no trouble buying a
gun legally. It is not known (yet) if he got his guns legally, but
that is of no moment. Guys like this never seem to have any trouble
getting their guns ILLEGALLY. Anti-gun fools confidently say that
tighter laws on gun ownership will keep things like this from
happening, But most such shootings happen in areas with the toughest
gun laws. More later, as facts become available. All this is
currently very preliminary, as the story is coming out. (L. A. Times)
Subject To "Reasonable Regulation"
Hillary says, “Okay, owning guns
is a constitutional right.:But, like any other constitutional right,
it is subject to reasonable regulation.” “Reasonable”
regulation? Gimme a break! Liberals always call their attempts to
circumvent, and make moot, the Second Amendment, “reasonable.”
But they're anything BUT “reasonable.” But this statement told us
a lot more than she intended. She revealed her plan to strip us of
our constitutional right to be armed in self-defense, by making very
UN-reasonable regulations that will make the guns we have, USELESS.
Her “reasonable regulations” include such stupid things as “no
gun zones,” gun locks, trigger locks, and even allowing people to
CARRY their guns, but the guns must be UNLOADED! Tell me—what the
hell good does an UNLOADED gun in your pocket do you when you
encounter an ILLEGALLY-armed criminal in the process of committing a
crime? He doesn't give a good damn about the “reasonable
regulation” that any gun carried must be unloaded! He'll KILL you
while you load your gun. Of course, the liberal-run Washington Post
says what she says is “wavering” on gun control. And we're
supposed to BELIEVE that crap! (Washington Post)
Muslims In White House
Muslim radicals are taking over the White House.
This is not about religion, though they will claim it is. It's about
RADICAL Muslims with clear ties to Muslim terrorist organizations
being appointed, willy-nilly, to important, sensitive White House
positions where they are privy to all the most sensitive information,
by Barack Hussein Obama. It's very suspicious, considering the
suspicions already attendant that Obama is actively HELPING the
radical Muslims in their efforts to “take over” America and
ultimately the world with their ancient and flawed, “religion.”
This information can be used to seriously inhibit our ability to win
the “war against terrorists” we are now waging, whether Obama
will admit it, or not. I think his refusal to even NAME Islamic
terrorism is all part of his scheme to submit to Islam. (Before It'sNews)
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Excluding Muslims: Common Sense
Donald Trump is getting a lot of flack from
liberals (who else?) for having the temerity to suggest “temporarily”
banning the entry of “Muslim refugees” until they can be properly
vetted.. But in Israel, where there is a SERIOUS problem with
Palestinians (who are Muslim) because they come in, disguise
themselves as Orthodox Jews, and kill people at random, are doing
just that. Allowing Muslims that can't be vetted to move here is
MADNESS! It can only result in the DEATHS of many Americans. It is NOT
“religious persecution” because Islam has proven itself to be a
PHONY RELIGION. It is not a real religion. It is a political system
MASQUERADING as a religion to take advantage of the “perks” we
give to religions. It is a WEAKNESS, which we must correct. And Trump
is the man to do it. (Allen West)
Creating A Crime Wave
That seems to be what Obama is doing when he
releases 86,000 violent criminals to prey on honest people while, at
the same time, doing everything he can to DISARM us in the face of
the crime wave he is creating. Then he imports hundreds of thousands
of “Syrian refugees,” including only ONE or TWO Christians so
far, the rest Muslim males of fighting age—almost no women,
children, or old people who can't fight. How many of them are Islamic
terrorists using that to gain entry into the United States so as to
kill Americans? He is working HARD to create a crime wave, while
making NO special provisions to deal with it. Just those 86,000
illegal alien criminals he released have committed 200,000 violent
crimes in the last couple of years. Meanwhile, Obama is suppressing
reports of the carnage HE created, so we won't know about it. (World Net Daily)
Obama Lies Again
I don't know why I made that the headline. It's not
news when Obama lies. He lies just about every time he opens his
mouth, and many times when he doesn't. Remember that “I've got my
pen” crack? But actually, it's what he lied ABOUT that is at issue
here. He has the GALL to say to gun owners, “I don't want to take
away your guns!” Meanwhile, he and his cohorts are doing everything
they can to take away your guns. This is one of the best examples of
why you should never listen to what a politician SAYS. Watch what he
DOES! And Obama does everything he can to do just the opposite of
what he says he will do. He is the most deceiving president we've
ever had. He set a new standard for lying in office, exceeding Bill
Clinton's lying record by a lot. Just the other day he took credit
for a “booming economy” that does not exist. I know it doesn't
exist. You know it doesn't exist. HE knows it doesn't exist, but he
still wants us to believe it does. He must really think the American
voter is STUPID. And he may be right. They voted for him TWICE,
didn't they? (PBS News Hour)
Friday, June 10, 2016
Whomping Up Their Press Releases
I just watched a live shot of a shooting
that happened at Dallas Love Field in Texas and I'll guarantee you
the anti-gun forces, without waiting for the facts, are “whomping
up their press releases” and their appeals for more money from
those gullible fools who agree with their absurd notion that making
laws against LAW-ABIDING people having guns will stop gun violence.
One guy was filming, and predictably, as soon as shots were heard,
his aim with the camera went crazy so you couldn't see the important
part of the shooting. He finally got it under control and what
appeared to be a cop aiming his gun into the terminal could be
seen. One person has been transported to the hospital. It was the attacker, who had no gun. Only a big rock, which he tried to use on the cop, who shot him. Look for the anti-gun fools to make hay out
of this. He had apparently used big rocks to attack his woman, who was trying to get away from him. The only shots fired were fired by that cop. (RT Question More)
Clinton Scandal Dwarfs Trump's
She's braying about the “scandal” she
attributes to Trump regarding “Trump University,” something that
has not been proved, while ignoring her own similar scam that dwarfs
the “Trump University scam.” And that's just one of the swindles
she's guilty of, and that's not even counting her e-mail scandal. The
swindlers paid Bill Clinton $1.6 million to be their chief touter,
while the Clinton foundation gave $56 million to Laureate, Inc., one
of the companies connected to the swindle. Bill abruptly resigned as
“Honorary Chancellor” when that was revealed. They apparently
paid Bill through a “shell company” where money deposited “passed
through” to Bill. A company that escaped notice of the State
Department while Hillary was Secretary of State. Such swindles are
part and parcel of the Clinton Crime Machine, but nobody
investigates th Clintons seriously while “working over” their
opponents. If not for outfits like Judicial Watch, they wouldn't be
investigated at all, even halfheartedly. (World Net Daily)
Anti-Gun Fool Illusion
Or should I call it a DELUSION? They are
DELUDED if they think ANY of the “gun laws” they currently have
in force will do ANYTHING to stop people like the UCLA shooter from
getting a gun. This killer bought his gun legally in Minnesota. In so
doing, he passed one of Obama's “strict background checks, since he
didn't have a criminal record. So far, he's obeyed every law. Then he
went and killed a woman whose name was on his “kill list,” and
set out for Los Angeles on his kill spree. In so doing, he broke the
laws of every state he passed through concerning carrying guns in
their territory, including that of California. Then he took his gun
onto a college campus, which was, of course, a “no-gun zone,” breaking
another law. Arriving there, he murdered a professor, whose name was
also on his kill list, then killed himself. What existing law could
have stopped him? Maybe if that professor had been able to carry a
gun, he could have been stopped before his last murder, maybe not.
The point is, this guy obeyed, and disobeyed laws as it was
convenient for him. He was not stopped in his evil intentions, by ANY
law. Especially the “no gun policy” on college campuses. They're
USELESS. (Gun Mart)
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Put Obama In Prison!
That's where he belongs, not in the White House.
Obama is destroying this country—ON PURPOSE! Many say he's just
stupid, and has no idea what he's doing. I maintain that he's NOT
stupid. He knows very well what he's doing, and the results he can
expect. That's his plan. He wants to destroy this economy so he can
blame “capitalism,” his derogatory word for the free market, and
finish the move from a free market economy to socialism. And he's
almost there. Everything he does is CALCULATED to harm this country.
From releasing “:mad dog killers” to kill us to denying the very
EXISTENCE of Islamic terrorism and thus doing a miserable job of
“fighting” it. Then there are the THOUSANDS of AMERICAN rapists
and murderers he is releasing from prison, claiming they are “only
there on drug charges,” who have murdered HUNDREDS of people (in
America) since their release.
the “loyal opposition” in Congress does NOTHING to put a stop to
his outrages. They even FINANCE them by passing his spending bills in
Congress, which they control. And the Democrats certainly aren't
going to do anything. He has committed many obvious CRIMES, one of
the most obvious was in Benghazi, Libya (with Hillary) where four
people, three heroes and one ambassador, were MURDERED, while his troops were
ordered to “stand down.”. People talk about a presidential
CANDIDATE being under a criminal investigation. How about a PRESIDENT
who is a worse criminal than she ever managed to be! (iPatriot)
The Unansweraable Question
It's a question usually never asked of an
anti-gun fool when they screech about making more and better gun laws
every time somebody misuses a gun. The question is, “Specifically,
what law would have stopped this killing?” This question is now
being asked of the anti-gun fools as they clamor for more laws in the
wake of the UCLA killing that started in Minnesota, where the killer
(now dead) killed a woman whose name appeared on his “kill list.”
It's a question they can't answer truthfully, because all the laws
they passed in the past have failed to do so. But they persist in
making their USELESS “gun laws,” and those laws continue to fail
to do ANYTHING about “gun violence.” That's because they target
the GUN, not the person HOLDING the gun. They make laws that people
with evil intentions IGNORE as a minor irritant when they want to do
murder or mass murder. (National Review)
Obama's Economic Fantasies
He's out there saying, “I already made
America Great Again!” And he really believes it! Notwithstanding he
DOUBLED the national debt, owes $20 TRILLION DOLLARS, Millions of
able-bodied Americans are out of work and have been for so long
they've given up ever finding a viable job again and have left the
work force. Which allows him to count ONLY those left for his PHONY
5% unemployment figure. He says, “Without me, we wouldn't have
gotten where we are.” And he's right. The dangerously bad economic
situation we find ourselves in is HIS FAULT. He did it. But he
doesn't count it as bad, which proves this economic illiterate should
NEVER have been elected president, let alone twice. He takes credit
for measures passed by REPUBLICANS in the Indiana legislature that
have improved things in that state. Which is common. He always takes
credit for what other people do, while continuing his incredibly
STUPID policies everywhere else. (Patriot Post)
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Racially Excluded
You'd think, in a Chicago gun buy-back “dog and pony
show,” that guns owned by white people would be as welcome as guns
from black people, wouldn't you? Not even! They systematically turned
away EVERY gun offered by a white person while accepting similar guns
brought in by black people. I wonder why? Maybe they realize that
most white people who own guns don't use them to commit crimes, while
black people do, more often than not. Or maybe they're just racists.
The exclusions were accomplished by a “surly female” from the
mayor's office, so you can probably assume, on goof evidence, that
they were excluded by order of the mayor. Is he finally revealing his
racism? One wonders. Democrats are the worst racists, historically,
while they ACCUSE Republicans, who voted FOR the Equal Rights
Amendment while Democrats actually tried to BLOCK it. Of course,
they'll deny their racism, but the facts make liars of them, as so
often happens. (Guns Save Lives)
It's Not Prejudice
It's common sense. Democrats want to impart
prejudice into the very natural distress we feel as Obama imports (at
out expense, of course) thousands of “Syrian refugees” without
any kind of “vetting.” Among them are going to be many Islamic
TERRORISTS, out to kill as many Americans as they can, and through
“being offended” at what is natural to us, cause as many problems
as they can. Since it is impossible to tell “peaceful” Muslims
from the terrorists, we tend to look at ALL of them with suspicion.
That's not prejudice, it's COMMON SENSE. But Bernie and Hillary try
to convince people that the ONLY reason to view Muslims with
suspicion is prejudice, which is very STUPID on their part. People
who use that kind of tomfoolery to get votes should not even be
CONSIDERED to become president, or for any other elective OR
appointive office. (CNN)
Just Half An Hour
That's all it took for gun haters to start
demanding more and tighter “gun laws” while trying to raise money
on the recent shooting at a college that claimed the life of one
professor, as well as the shooter. NO questions asked about
whether or not the gun used was legally owned, because that doesn't
matter to them. The fact is, it doesn't matter. If the shooter
doesn't have a record of any kind, he can legally buy the gun. If he
does have a record, he would ALREADY be prohibited from buying a gun
legally. What is not said here is that ALL the laws against buying
guns for certain people would do NOTHING to reduce gun violence.
People who want to use guns for violence will still get their guns,
in a back alley, somewhere. What laws are made should be to make it
tougher on illegal gun sellers, or more costly, while making it
easier for honest, law-abiding people to own and carry guns for
self-defense. There are already too many ILLEGAL guns on the streets,
in the hands of fools in gangs, and other kinds of criminals. Guns in
the hands of honest people would “even things out.” (Gun Mart)
"Knockout Game:" Lesson Learned
Marvell Weaver, a 17-year-old thug who
thought the “knockout game” was a lot of fun, learned a hard
lesson when he tried it on a concealed carrier. He walked up to a man
at a bus stop and pushed his finger (pretending it was a gun) into
his side, and got shot, since the guy had his own real gun, carried
legally. He survived, but he will recuperate in prison for the next
year. He said himself, that he “learned a hard lesson.” He had
practiced the “knockout game” several times, whenever he was
bored, which was a lot, without a problem (for him). But his luck ran
out this time. With the sales of guns skyrocketing as Obama tries
valiantly to stop it, practitioners of this game will run into more
and more armed victims, and become victims themselves, as this kid
did. Yes, he learned a “hard lesson,” and I hope it “takes.”
For his own good. (Town Hall)
Monday, June 6, 2016
National ID Cards
Globalists in Europe are talking about requiring
national ID cards in order to use social media. In other words, they
want to take something that was absolutely free to use and make it
something you must get a LICENSE to use. The power to license
something is the power to CONTROL it. The power to say “no” or
“yes,” at the whim of a bureaucrat or a politician. Where the
hell do they GET these people, who want to take something FREE and
make it something for which you must go :hat in hand” to somebody
who should have no business being between you and something you want
to do and be able to say, “yes or no,” and charge you MONEY to do
it? There is always somebody out there who wants to limit your
freedom to do as you wish, so long as it doesn't hurt somebody else.
And who do they plan to HAVE this power? THEM, of course! And to make
money from it. But the money is secondary. It's the POWER to tell you
whether you can, or can't, at their whim. (Before It's News)
Killing Incentive
Becoming a member of the “Honor Society” has
always been a goal of students in school, but students at the Plano,
Texas Senior High School graduation (and in this society today,
probably many others) were not allowed to wear the “stole” that
included the emblem of the Honor Society. It's yet another example of
society's ignorant effort to punish achievement and bring
everybody to a lower standard. They say it's so those who didn't
attain that honor wouldn't get their precious feelings hurt because
they didn't work hard enough. It's an extension of the “no score
sports” policy that is sweeping the nation. Can you imagine an auto
race without a winner? How about a football game where no winner was
declared? What the HELL would be the POINT of the players going out
on the field, some of them to be seriously injured or even KILLED,
and no winner? I would never get a "participation" trophy, because I would not participate in such a useless exercise.The whole purpose of these events it to find out who
is the best, and the players, like those students, work HARD to be
the winner. To eliminate it is to destroy achievement and eliminate
the INCENTIVE to succeed. These policies can only reduce and, ultimately ELIMINATE excellence
in this country, or anywhere else it is practiced. It's a LIBERAL
practice, and liberals are PROVEN stupid! (The Blaze)
Ignorant Democrat Voters
It's no wonder we're all screwed up the way we
are. About 50% of Democrat voters think Hillary should continue her
run for president, even if she is indicted. I don't know if there is
a law against a CRIMINAL becoming president (a CONVICTED criminal,
anyway), but there should be. Hillary has committed so many crimes in
her spotted career, it's hard to keep track of them all. I think
somebody under a criminal INVESTIGATION should be barred from running
for ANY office during the course of the investigation, but that's
just me. I'm honest. The only problem is that, right behind her is a
crazy old man who believes, against all evidence, that SOCIALISM is
the way to go, economically. As with Obama selecting “Ol' Joe” as
vice-president, as insurance against assassination, our choice on the
Democrat side is one disaster or another. Hillary won't be the first
criminal elected to the presidency (if she gets elected), but maybe
will be the first KNOWN criminal to be elected. (The Blaze)
Sunday, June 5, 2016
"Child Protectors" Overdo It
As usual. This happened in Sweden, but
it could (and does) happen here. “Child Protectors” are the same,
the world over. But it is kept quiet so we won't know about it. They
stole this child because he was being home schooled. That, and ONLY
that, was the reason, even if they recently added the fact that he
has an unfilled cavity (ho0rrors!) and hadn't had a vaccination (really bad!), both “put-up
accusations that could have been handled (if they're even true)
without stealing the child and keeping him for what amounts to HALF
his life up to now. They actually stopped an airplane from taking off
to rip this child from his parents, and have now had SEVEN YEARS to “brainwash”
him in their way of thinking. They didn't want him to be home
schooled (which is legal in Sweden) because, without their brainwashing, they wouldn't be able to
control him in later life. The “child protectors” took my son's
two boys and kept them for THREE years, with no charges ever being
filed against him. They scammed him out of money several times while
they were in their “custody” and, even after they were returned,
they charged him MORE money to “reimburse them” for the expense
of their “incarceration.” We need to do something about this
illegal and overbearing bunch. They SAY what they do is not criminal
action, so the Constitution doesn't control their actions. But what
they do constitutes “cruel and unusual punishment,” mostly of
people (like my son) who are innocent of any wrongdoing. (World Net Daily)
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