Thursday, August 31, 2017

Tax Breaks for the Rich

That's a common complaint from the liberals, whenever anybody (but them, but they never do) talks about tax reduction. they immediately come out with that "tax breaks for the rich" bulldung. The one currently being talked about is Trump's, and the liberals hate ANYTHING Trump wants to do, in a "knee-jerk" fashion. It doesn't matter what the details are, if ANYBODY breathes a WORD about tax reduction, they automatically come out with this "tax beaks for the rich" crap. Trump's reductions are aimed at the MIDDLE CLASS. But "the rich" will also benefit, because they contribute the most to society by everything they do. When they get to keep more of the money they EARN, they don't just put it in a vault and then "go swimming" in it, like "Scrooge McDuck." They SPEND it on more and more INVESTMENTS to make even more money for themselves. By so doing, they create jobs and profits for EVERYBODY. When they have money to invest, EVERYBODY benefits. And since they contribute the most to society, they're ENTITLED to benefit at a higher rate than those who contribute LESS. (Just common sense)

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