Monday, August 14, 2017

Ignorance On Display

That's what we had in Charlottesville, VA the other day. Basically three ignorant groups “demonstrated” (rioted) in favor of racism and bigotry. Racism and bigotry is ignorance. Those who practice it are ignorant. The KKK announces their ignorance wherever they show up, just by their presence, as do the Neo-Nazis, who try and emulate a defeated system from bygone days. Then there are the “white supremacists.” Their “thing” is promoting the supremacy of the white race, which is ignorance personified. Just because the black race was (WAS!) a race in slavery doesn't make them stupid. The slavers were the stupid ones. And those who celebrate that stupidity are today's stupid ones.

Naturally, liberals try and paint those ignorant people as Trump supporters, but I doubt there were any real Trump supporters there. The mother of the fool who used his car to run many rioters down says she “thinks” her son was going to a Trump rally. But that's impossible, because Trump was nowhere near there and Trump is not the racist in this scenario, no matter how much the liberals want to make it look that way. This gathering was NOT of Trump supporters, even though liberals want to paint it that way. INTELLIGENT people judge people as INDIVIDUALS, based on what they say and DO, not by the group they are in. Especially of they are in a group not of their choosing, and that they can't change. (Just common sense)

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