Friday, August 11, 2017

Injecting Racism Everywhere

The liberals inject racism into everything. We've become so used to it, many of us don't even notice it, any more. Meanwhile, racist professors tell us that BEING white is racism. They use anything they can to CREATE black against white racism, and certain blacks are “eating it up,” because they think it empowers them. The cartoon pictured is subtle in it's injection of racism into the “gun question,” but it's there, for all to see. They take standard phrases and tell us they are “code words” to mean racism, so they can CLAIM racism where it does not exist. These people spend all their time SEARCHING for racism, in everything that happens, which indicates racism on THEIR part. Yes, there are a few racists left. They had almost disappeared when Obama began whining about racism in his attempt to get a race war started, so he could exploit it. That he failed during his 8 years of terror says a lot about the REAL racism situation. (Just common sense)

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