Monday, August 28, 2017

BLM: "Shove It!"

The Black Lives Matter thugs want people who have worked hard to own their homes to "give them up" as reparation for past slavery. What an ABSURD suggestion THAT is! People who had nothing to do with the slavery practiced by their ancestors give their homes to "people of color" as reparation? Go to HELL, BLM! Take your suggestion and shove it where you sit! Yes, slavery was terrible. And it was white people who imposed it on your people--hundreds of years ago. And other black people who SOLD black slaves to slavers. But that's over. Those who did it are now dead, as are the slaves they did it to. You and your scurvy friends are no more entitled to property belonging to people alive today than you were really personally hurt by slavery. It's just IGNORANCE on your part that makes you think you are. And it's still all about money, isn't it? Money to be gained without working for it. A "free ride" at the expense of others. That's not hard for intelligent people to figure out, which is probably why you can't. (Just common sense)

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