Monday, August 28, 2017

Obama Pardoned Many Scumbags

Hardly day went by when he wasn't pardoning one scumbag or the other. And nary a peep out of the liberal media, or the Dumocrats. Why then, are they so "disturbed" that he pardoned former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was politically railroaded by Barack Obama, because he insisted in doing his JOB when a judge told him not to. The answer is very simple: they APPROVED of Obama pardoning those scumbags, and they don't approve of him pardoning Arpaio. They were "dancing in the streets when the judge handed down his decision (without a jury) to convict Joe. They didn't complain about Obama pardoning those scumbags because they thought Obama was perfect, and could do no wrong. With Trump, if he pardoned a sunflower, they'd complain. For that reason alone, I never put ANY confidence in anything they whine about. (Just common sense)

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