Thursday, August 31, 2017

Tax Breaks for the Rich

That's a common complaint from the liberals, whenever anybody (but them, but they never do) talks about tax reduction. they immediately come out with that "tax breaks for the rich" bulldung. The one currently being talked about is Trump's, and the liberals hate ANYTHING Trump wants to do, in a "knee-jerk" fashion. It doesn't matter what the details are, if ANYBODY breathes a WORD about tax reduction, they automatically come out with this "tax beaks for the rich" crap. Trump's reductions are aimed at the MIDDLE CLASS. But "the rich" will also benefit, because they contribute the most to society by everything they do. When they get to keep more of the money they EARN, they don't just put it in a vault and then "go swimming" in it, like "Scrooge McDuck." They SPEND it on more and more INVESTMENTS to make even more money for themselves. By so doing, they create jobs and profits for EVERYBODY. When they have money to invest, EVERYBODY benefits. And since they contribute the most to society, they're ENTITLED to benefit at a higher rate than those who contribute LESS. (Just common sense)

Pardon for Arpaio

President Trump has signed a full pardon for former Sheriff Joe Arpaio. So now he won't have to spend another million or so for an appeal. He can now go peacefully and quietly into retirement while enjoying his grandchildren. He won't have to be put into his own jail with the prisoners HE put there. The whole thing was political revenge, sponsored by Barack Obama, and should have never happened. But that part is now corrected. We can't correct the election atrocity paid for by Obama with taxpayer money, but at that age, he ought to be able to go home and relax, anyway. The whole thing should never have happened. His only "crime" was doing his job. That "judicial order" he supposedly violated was unconstitutional, anyway. Judges should not pretend to tell cops how to enforce the law, as long as they go by the law in doing so, as Arpaio did. But that wasn't good enough for Obama, who petulantly told DOJ to go after him. (ABC News)

Another Gun Buyback

In Los Angeles there are 70 guns now “out of the picture” for criminal use. Hooray! Now the criminals there will have only a few million ILLEGAL guns to use in victimizing honest citizens while they use the money they gained in that buyback to buy new guns that work. The fools who sponsor those buybacks don't realize that money is fungible. Which means the money they get for old, mostly non-usable guns they “turn in” can be used to buy the NEW guns they need to be able to keep intimidating honest citizens. And the lawlessness goes right on, unabated. Then the cops do another gun buyback, and do it all over again. They just can't understand that their aim at the GUNS is a faulty aim, and they should be aiming at the USE of the guns. They'll never learn. (Breitbart)

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Shut the HELL Up!

I'm getting really tired of it. That's what I want to shout every time lately when I hear the fool things liberals are "concerned" with, and the really STUPID things they say. Like the professor in Florida who said that the hurricane was "deserved" by Texans because so many of them voted for Trump. Like the weather was concerned with that election result. And it showed them that Republicans didn't care bout them. What kind of reasoning people use to come up with such stupidity, I don't know, I'm sure it's LACK of reasoning, because they don't know HOW to reason. Then there's the so-called "climate scientist" who noted that the water temperature in the Gulf was a couple of degrees higher than usual and thus said Hurricane Harvey was a result of that. In spite of the unalterable fact that hurricanes come and go in Texas, no matter what the water temperature is in the Gulf. A real climate scientist would know better. But not this one. The stupidities the liberals come up with are so outlandishly STUPID it defies reality. You can't argue them out of it because of their "faith." They have FAITH that their theories are correct, in spite of sure evidence otherwise. They want to do away with the National Anthem played before football games because an ignorant player refuses to stand up for it, and has gained a following. They want to change the name of the white horse used by the UFC mascot from "Traveler," because that name is "similar" to that ridden by Robert E. Lee, the confederate general. What STUPIDITY that reveals! (Just common sense)

Damned Fool Drug Companies

The companies who make drugs that will keep the condemned from having pain while being executed are blocking the use of their drugs in the "cocktail" used to put condemned people to death. Why, I can't feature--unless it is the usual liberal aversion to executing murderers. But the people who ARE condemned to die usually have committed such hideous crimes that they should not be allowed to breathe the same air as human beings. The particular one in this scenario killed TWO men 30 YEARS AGO, and his time has come. It should have come a long time ago. So maybe he felt pain while being executed. Boo, hoo! I wonder if his two victims felt pain while he was killing them? So if the drug companies blockage is sufficient to keep him from being executed, just make him the guest of honor at a firing squad. Dead is dead, and he will feel no pain if the shooters are good enough shots. (Conservative Tribune)

They Call It "Common Sense"

Anti-gun fools call their stupid gun laws “common sense gun laws,” but they're ANYTHING but common sense. They simply reflect the abject STUPIDITY of the lawmakers who THINK it is “common sense” to make yourself DEFENSELESS against all the ILLEGAL guns already out there, in the hands of criminals, crazies, and even Islamic terrorists (a repetition, there). If their laws WERE “common sense laws,” they wouldn't have to describe them that way in an obvious (to intelligent people, anyway) attempt to fool us. Their idea that taking away the means to self defense is the way to attain self defense is TOTAL IGNORANCE. It is NOT “common sense,” in any fashion. People who buy into that stupidity are stupid, themselves, not to recognize the contradiction therein. (The News Tribune)

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Obama Pardoned Many Scumbags

And nary a peep out of the liberal media, or the Dumocrats. Why then, are they so "disturbed" that he pardoned former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was politically railroaded by Barack Obama, because he insisted in doing his JOB when a judge told him not to. The answer is very simple: they APPROVED of Obama pardoning those scumbags, and they don't approve of him pardoning Arpaio. They were "dancing in the streets when the judge handed down his decision (without a jury) to convict Joe. They didn't complain about Obama pardoning those scumbags because they thought Obama was perfect, and could do no wrong. With Trump, if he pardoned a sunflower, they'd complain. For that reason alone, I never put ANY confidence in anything they whine about. (Just common sense)

Little By Little....

Inch by inch, Congress slips its hand deeper into our pockets. It has become so common for them to "raise the debt ceiling" that we (mostly) don't even notice it, any more, as they slip more and more dollars out of our pockets--and now out of our son's and daughter's, grandsons and granddaughters' pockets, as well. They never even CONSIDER LOWERING their spending. They have "budget problems" every year, but cutting down on spending is NEVER an option to them. They just demand more money from the taxpayer. It's like that pesky brother-in-law who always borrows money and never pays it back, yet comes to you time and again to borrow more. Congress needs to start limiting their SPENDING, instead of demanding to borrow more and more money, every year. But will they? Not a chance. In addition to rising spending, they also raise their own pay on a regular basis. I guess $150,000.00 a year just isn't enough for them to live on. Wish I had that "problem." (CNN Money)

Total Ignorance About Guns

The Minnesota Legislature is considering legislation that would eliminate all licensing requirements for people to be allowed to carry guns for self defense. Many anti-gun fool legislators say “allowing people to freely carry guns is unwise.” How do they think they're going to STOP criminals from carrying guns? They can make all the laws they want to stop the law-abiding from carrying guns to defend themselves against those CRIMINALS who ignore “gun laws,” and they're not going to be able to eliminate guns from the picture. If this country announced to the world that it was getting rid of ALL means of self defense, what fo you think would happen? Other countries, who wish to 'take us over,” would then move in and do so. The same is true on a local level. If ALL law-abiding people were barred from having guns, the CRIMINALS (who ignore laws) would “take over” and nobody could stop them. I think that's the real purpose of the anti-gun fools: to make it easier for the criminals to take over. They CAN'T be stupid enough to really believe that the way to defend ourselves is to disarm ourselves, leaving us DEFENSELESS against the onslaught of CRIMINALS who wish us ill and want to TAKE what we own. Their professing their wish to stop “gun violence is ignorance personified, if they think disarming us is the way to that, leaving us as "sitting ducks." (Duluth News Tribune)

Monday, August 28, 2017

Obama Pardoned Many Scumbags

Hardly day went by when he wasn't pardoning one scumbag or the other. And nary a peep out of the liberal media, or the Dumocrats. Why then, are they so "disturbed" that he pardoned former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was politically railroaded by Barack Obama, because he insisted in doing his JOB when a judge told him not to. The answer is very simple: they APPROVED of Obama pardoning those scumbags, and they don't approve of him pardoning Arpaio. They were "dancing in the streets when the judge handed down his decision (without a jury) to convict Joe. They didn't complain about Obama pardoning those scumbags because they thought Obama was perfect, and could do no wrong. With Trump, if he pardoned a sunflower, they'd complain. For that reason alone, I never put ANY confidence in anything they whine about. (Just common sense)

BLM: "Shove It!"

The Black Lives Matter thugs want people who have worked hard to own their homes to "give them up" as reparation for past slavery. What an ABSURD suggestion THAT is! People who had nothing to do with the slavery practiced by their ancestors give their homes to "people of color" as reparation? Go to HELL, BLM! Take your suggestion and shove it where you sit! Yes, slavery was terrible. And it was white people who imposed it on your people--hundreds of years ago. And other black people who SOLD black slaves to slavers. But that's over. Those who did it are now dead, as are the slaves they did it to. You and your scurvy friends are no more entitled to property belonging to people alive today than you were really personally hurt by slavery. It's just IGNORANCE on your part that makes you think you are. And it's still all about money, isn't it? Money to be gained without working for it. A "free ride" at the expense of others. That's not hard for intelligent people to figure out, which is probably why you can't. (Just common sense)

What's Their Point

The Huffington Post says, “The NRA is in denial about the slowing of gun sales since Trump's election.” They say it as if that was significant. It's not. In fact, reduced gun sales because of Trump's election is absolutely NOT unexpected, since people are no longer afraid their gun rights are going to be further restricted or taken away entirely under Trump. So they're not buying guns in such high numbers as they were under Obama. So what? And I don't think the NRA is “in denial” when they report no significant decrease in gun sales. They're just reporting REAL numbers, instead of the phony ones put out by the anti-gun fools such as the Huffington Post. I think this is just them trying to “take a victory lap” to which they are not entitled. (Huffington Post)

Friday, August 25, 2017

The 16 Year War

Dumocrats make a big thing about the fact that we've been in Afghanistan fighting a war for sixteen years. What they neglect to tell us is that the REASON we've been there for sixteen years is that, for at least EIGHT of those years, we have not been seriously fighting that war because liberals (Dumocrats, including Obama) set impossible "rules of action" there that put us at a disadvantage, and got soldiers killed. I think if Obama had thought he could get away with it, he would have ordered the troops there to "cut and run," leaving all our expensive equipment and ordinance for the terrorists to use, as he did in Iraq. So he did the next best thing, and made it impossible for us to win--or even make any serious inroads. We used to win wars, because we actually BELIEVED in the reason we were fighting. Obama never believed that Islamic terrorism was a serious threat, so he made it impossible for us to fight it. Trump believes in the reasons we're fighting there, and is willing to do what's necessary to win it--and he will be sorely criticized by the liberals. (Just common sense)

Hiding Real Issues

If you have no real arguments in favor of your position, just start calling people who disagree with you names. That's what the Dumocrats do, and have done for years. Years ago, they called their opponents Nazis or communists. Today they call them racists. And, as before, they have no real PROOF of their claims, but that has never made any difference to them. The argument over whether or not their opponents are racists obscures that little fact. Howard Dean, former DNC Chair and failed presidential candidate, says, "If you're a racist, you'll vote Republican." Now, that statement shows more IGNORANCE than I'm sure he wanted to show, but Dumocrats aren't really very smart, and he's not smart enough to realize it. Trump, for instance: if he were the racist Dumocrats SAY he is, why does he have so many black people on his staff? It just doesn't compute, but that little fact is lost on them. Another thing lost on them is that it is the Dumocrat Party that is known for their racism. (Town Hall)

They Don't Get It

Many older people who profess to be “gun people” are disturbed by the “change” in the NRA from largely promoting hunting and sport shooting to “warlike” guns with “camo-like” finishes instead of “contoured fine wooden stocks and elegant inlays and engraving.” They just don't get the whole reason the Second Amendment was such an important part of the Constitution. The Founders weren't as much concerned with hunting and sport shooting rights as they were with the American people (all of them) being part of a “militia” the government could “call up” in the event of an emergency and they wanted them to bring their own guns so the government (which at the time was small and weak compared to now) would not have to pay to provide them. It's that simple, but the anti-gun fools want you to believe otherwise, that the Second was to preserve hunting and shooting sports. Such was the furthest thing from their minds. (Shall Not Be Questioned)

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Another Losing Issue

Dumocrats have a positive TALENT for selecting losing issues. Issues that have them fighting with the mainstream. And they wonder why they lost the 2016 election and several elections before it. It seems like every issue they promote puts them at odds with a majority of Americans, which is not the way to win elections. Their latest is the effort to change history by destroying all the confederate statues in the land, against the wishes of EVERYBODY. They favor allowing MEN into women's most private places if they THINK they're women; they think they have the right to usurp the MEANING of the word, "marriage" by using it to describe the unions between two people of the same sex. They think the Islamic terrorist threat isn't much to worry about, while their ignoring the issue has allowed the Islamic terrorists to flourish in the absence of real opposition. there are many more areas in which they oppose "mainstream America," and have no idea how polarizing that is. Congratulations, Dumocrats! You've set yourself up to follow the route of the Whigs, and become HISTORY as a political party that didn't know how to win anything, and thus shriveled and died. (Rush Limbaugh)

Works Both Ways

A rioter (not a protester) kicked a tear gas canister back toward the cops, and suffered instant Karma as a cop with good aim scored a hit in his "family jewels" with a pepper ball. Which might have reminded him that throwing things can be done in two directions. Yes, he can throw things at the cops, but they can throw things at him, too. One can only hope it was very painful for him, and that the pain lasts a long time. Maybe he'll think twice in the future when they ask him to participate in a riot. I hope they paid him enough for his pain. Things like this are going to happen a lot more in the future, as the cops become ever more frustrated by fools like him and become ever more physically responsive to the violence of rioters. Nothing real is ever changed by those riots, anyway, and they cause much damage to other people's property--people who aren't responsible for the imagined ills to the rioters, and couldn't change anything, anyway. (Grassfire)

The "Gun-Free Zone" Myth

The anti-gun fools would like for all America to be a “gun-free zone,” in spite of the fact that “gun-free zones” are known “killing zones” that are sought out by those who want to kill people, or just rob them. This is PROVEN by the unalterable fact that MOST “mass shootings” occur IN “gun-free zones,” and there is no lack of gun violence performed in “gun-free zones.” In California, they passed a law allowing guns on campus, IF the school approved. Out of 977 schools in the state, only FIVE allowed them. Now they want to pass a law taking even that authority away from “school authorities.” They seem to be frightened of the whole idea of people carrying their guns legally on campus. Never mind that many people already carry their guns ILLEGALLY on campus. These laws are like all the other anti-gun fool laws, in that they only apply to those who OBEY laws while the REAL threats do NOT obey laws. (Orange County Register)

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

"Trump Is Incompetent"

That's the political refrain being put out by the liberal media. Unfortunately for them, they have no facts to back that up, so they content themselves with simply calling him names. They also say he's a racist, which is a scurrilous accusation, coming from people who are PROVEN racists, from way back, a charge they can't prove on him, but can be proven on them. They want to impeach him because he thinks ALL SIDES committed violence in Chatlottesville. Disagreeing with them then becomes an impeachable offense. Next, they'll file articles of impeachment on him if he lets a fart, for "fouling the atmosphere." They say he has accomplished NOTHING, while he has accomplished more in the short time he has been in office than most past presidents (most of them Dumocrats) have in their entire presidencies. And that is against the OPPOSITION of a Congress people thought would be on his side, since it was controlled by the Republicans. But all that is IGNORED by the liberal media, who are dead set against him, and act on that every day. (NewsMax)

Fox News Moving Left

After the firing of Roger Ailes and the leaving of Rupert Murdoch in management of the cable news network, the firing of several of their top ratings-getters, on spurious sex charges not supported by any kind of PROOF, Fox is now having its parameters set by the younger Murdochs, who are liberal and married to dedicated liberal women. Fox has also lost some of the power in ratings, falling behind MSNBC a tiny bit for the first time in recent history. Some outlets blame that on their Trump support. But that's wrong. It's because of their MOVEMENT left, forced by their new top Murdochs.Their movement left is making them into a mirror image of CNN, which is also losing viewers, daily. Except for those picked up from Fox as they continue their downward spiral. Liberal spoutings CAUSE loss of viewers, especially when they represent an "about-face." And that's what's happening at Fox. (American Thinker)

A Damfool "Study"

The anti-gun fools try everything they can to make gun owners look foolish. Now they're citing a flawed “study” at the University of Colorado School of Medicine that says if a teenager has guns in his home, or even in a friend's home, he's at higher risk for mental problems. On what they base that amazing result, I don't know. And I'll bet they don't know, either. This smacks of them “making it up,” which anti-gun fools do on a regular basis. And where better to find anti-gun fools than in a university? Of course, the “study” ignores the unalterable fact that MOST teenagers who have a close association with guns are in a street gang, and it is these who are responsible for the highest amount of “gun violence,” and that has nothing to do with guns in the home. Of course, the source is a known liberal outfit. (Colorado Public Radio)

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

What IS Victory?

The liberals talk about the fact that there is no real knowledge as to just what victory in Afghanistan IS. So therefore, we should just "pull out" and let them fight their own battles. Who wins isn't important to us. WRONG! Who wins IS important to us. If we allow the various groups that make up the Islamic terrorists to grow and proliferate, it will be only a matter of time before we're fighting them in Kansas City or Denver. Which is something we don't want, in ANY case. But in reality, there IS a clear path to victory. And increasing the number of troops sent there can't hurt. But that clear path includes reversing the LUDICROUS "rules of warfare" imposed by Barack Obama that allows the ENEMY to attack first before we're allowed to "go after" them. I'm sure we know where the enemy is clustered, but the current rules keep us from "going in and cleaning them out." The "path to victory" is actually FIGHTING that war and killing enough Islamic terrorists that they can never recover enough strength to be a problem, to us. That cannot be done under the current "rules of warfare." (Just common sense)

"Trump Is Unfit"

That's what "The Swamp" wants you to think, anyway. Everybody wonders why even people who are supposed to be his friends hate him. That's an easy one. THEY are in "The Swamp," and he has pledged to "drain the swamp." When you "drain the swamp," the crocs come after you. They know it's only a matter of time until their time comes, so they're trying to get rid of him before he can get rid of them. It's not surprising the Dumocrats don't like him, but the fact that most of them are in "the swamp" accounts for the special high level of hate they show toward him. They flail around, and file "articles of impeachment" that will go nowhere because of the absence of "crimes and misdemeanors" that he has committed. (Just common sense)

Carrying It Too Far

The anti-gun fools commonly carry their fiction too far, as in suspending children from school for chewing pop tarts into a rough shape of a gun or bringing a TOY gun to school. Playing “cops and robbers” using their FINGERS as a gun, or drawing a PICTURE of a gun. Now I've heard it all. A magazine nobody has ever heard of, called, Popsugar Magazine is now telling parents they need to stop their kids from playing with WATER guns, because that “normalizes,” in their minds, real guns. Talk about “going off the deep end!” The writer of the article, whose mother allowed NO guns in her house, says, “Guns are not innocent, even if they are made of plastic and only shoot water.” How STUPID is that? She sees only the bad things about guns, ignoring the guns' ability to keep people alive. Which is common with anti-gun fools. Does she think even COPS shouldn't have guns, because they're “evil?” Of course, she has no problem with “water squirters” if they don't LOOK like a gun. Stupid! Even if they don't LOOK like a gun, the kids are pretending they ARE, whether or not they LOOK like a gun, and are shooting each other with them. (Breitbart)

Monday, August 21, 2017

The "Obama Effect"

Lots of people are wondering why there have been so many failures lately in our armed forces. Failures of equipment, supply, and men (and women), leading to ship collisions (another one today), airplane crashes, and whole squadrons letting us know they are NOT "combat ready." The answer is simple. Obama spent his eight years letting our military go to hell. Under-funding it, imposing IMPOSSIBLE "rules of combat" that get their people killed, and that prevents them from really FIGHTING the wars in which they are involved. The people failures are these: the captains and crews of those ships that collided needlessly with private ships were not diligent in their duty and collided with a private ship they should have been able to see and avoid--IF they were paying attention. They were NOT paying attention. Some plane crashes happened for the same reason. That, and he fact that so many aircraft were victims of a lack of parts--also attributable to Obama's neglect. Because morale in the military is very low because of Obama's neglect. Trump should be able to turn that around, but it will take time, and $billions of our dollars. (Just common sense)

The "Global Warming Religion"

Global warming (now known as “climate change” after it was found that the “globe” had not been warming for almost 20 years) is a religion. And Al Gore is its prophet. In the sixties, I embarked on a comprehensive study of most major religions, searching for similarities between them, hoping to find the ONE religion that was factual and correct, among the many. I found it. At least one of them. It was the Golden Rule. All the religions I studied had a rule that was, basically the same as the Christian rule of “Treat others as you would be treated.” But that was not all. Every religion I studied thought THEIRS was the ONLY “true religion,” and that people who questioned their dogma were to be convinced otherwise, or shunned. And that included Islam, with the main difference that they wanted to KILL “unbelievers.”

Another similarity was that not a single one of them could provide concrete PROOF of their beliefs, and relied on “faith.” They all had a name for “unbelievers.” AlGore's “religion” has all of these. They have not a single bit of PROOF of their beliefs, and rely on the “faith” of their adherents that their teachings are correct. They have a name for “unbelievers (“deniers”),” and wish to either convince them or shun them. Some even wish to make global warming “deniers” subject to civil and/or CRIMINAL penalties. Gore has managed to convince millions of gullible people all over the world, that his, “religion” is REAL, including the top politicians in many governments, who see many ways they can profit, both financially and politically from promoting it. (Just common sense)

Official Constitution Violation

In New Jersey, where they have lots of financial issues already, they're studying a bill to divert money to violating the Constitution. They can't afford to fix the roads and bridges, but they want to spend $millions to “study” gun control as a “public health issue.” They spend a lot of taxpayer money on gun control, anyway, but, to my knowledge, this is the first time politicians have tried to make a LAW to specifically spend taxpayer money on violating the Constitution. Hopefully, the governor will veto the bill if it ever gets to his desk. One hopes he's more intelligent than the clowns who are pushing this bill. Anybody with any INTELLIGENCE knows that gang violence is at the root of their “gun problems,” but they don't bother to even LOOK at that. They have very harsh “gun laws” already that are doing NOTHING to “stem gun violence,” but they insist on making more of them for the gangs and other criminals to ignore. (NRA-ILA)

Friday, August 18, 2017

It's. Not. About. Slavery!

The Dumocrats (and other liberals are still promoting the FICTION that the Civil War was all about slavery—nothing else. Yes, slavery was a part of it, but it was an afterthought by President Lincoln. What it was about is the right of the states to determine their own fate, whether it be abut slavery, or anything else. The Dumocrats will never admit this, because it is politically expedient to paint everybody who is against ERASING the civil War from our memory as a racist. This, when it is the DUMOCRATS who were, and ARE the racists, still. They spend all their time HUNTING for “signs of racism,” even if they have to manufacture those “signs.” Martin Luther King demonstrated against Dumocrats and their racism. Police Chief Bull Connor was a Dumocrat. The Dumocrats STARTED the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) to help them keep the black race down.

Margaret Sanger started “Planned Parenthood” so she could “legalize” the MURDER of mostly black babies, before they even come out of the womb. There were KKK members in CONGRESS! The best-known of these was Robert Byrd, who mercifully died recently—and HE is “revered,” all through the South, with many buildings, bridges, roads, and other structures named after him. Are we going to take all those down? Al Gore's FATHER was in the Congress, and HE was a racist. Both were Dumocrats. They FILIBUSTERED the Civil Rights Act, fighting it, tooth and nail. Liberals work very hard to convince us that the GOP is the “party of racism,” while it is DUMOCRATS who were, and ARE. We tell people and tell people this and show them PROOF it is true, but it bounces off them like a rock thrown at a boulder. They just aren't interested. Facts are just something that confuse them. (Just common sense)

Democrat Socialism

“National Socialism” and Dumocrat Socialism are the same thing. Any differences there are, are only cosmetic. It is the same thing that was foisted upon the Germans before World War II. It's other name is Nazism. Adolph Hitler was its spokesman and “strong man.” It is MARXISM repackaged. I don't know what makes people who push this abomination tick, but it seems like they're everywhere. Socialism appeals to people who simply want to live at someone else's expense, and no one else. But they have loud voices. I recently listened to a speech being given by the top Dumocrat in the Senate (Chuckie Schumer), where he detailed all the giveaways (using YOUR money and mine) the Dumocrats planned.

He never mentioned where the money to SUPPORT those giveaways was going to come from. Socialists never do. But it will come from YOU, if you work and earn your own living. They will TAKE money from you and give it to the “drones” of society. That's what they never tell them, or you. They just tax you more to finance their giveaways. Socialism cannot survive without your earnings. It produces NOTHING. It only TAKES the fruits of YOUR production, and gives it, UNEARNED, to those who, for whatever reason, produce NOTHING. Dumocrats will deny to their dying day that they are socialists, but you only have to listen to what they SAY to realize they're lying. (The Patriot Post)

Inflating the Numbers

This is how anti-gun fools come up with the numbers they cite. They conflate separate numbers to come up with a total. Pending cases, for instance, are counted every time they appear. Since a pending case can be there sometimes for several years, and most are dismissed at the end, a “pending case” is counted THREE TIMES whether or not is ends in a conviction—which most don't. Licensed gun carriers commit crimes in fewer cases than COPS do. And licensed gun owners are counted, whether or not they used their gun to kill themselves. This is just one way they get those misleading numbers they continually cite to “prove their case” to gullible people who “pay no attention to politics,” but vote, anyway. They do this on a regular basis and thus, you just can't depend on their numbers. (The Hill)

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Anything Trump Says

Will be taken out of context and twisted by the liberal media to mean something it was never meant to mean. Editorial cartoonist for the Indianapolis Star-News Gary Varvel put out a cartoon showing Trump saying, "I'll take a few questions," while bunch of "advisers" were rushing to stop him, as if he couldn't be trusted to properly answer questions. But the problem is not with Trump. It is with the liberal media. They will twist anything he says way "out of shape" and make it seem like he's some kind of stupid in everything he says. That's how they hope to make Trump irrelevant. I don't think I've ever seen such hate in the media for a president as they show toward Trump. But then, I wasn't "paying attention" during Reagan's two terms, which he won by LANDSLIDE victories. Trumps victories probably can't be described as "landslides," but they were clear victories, showing that Americans supported him, even if the liberal media did not. (Gary Varvel)

NO Medicare Cuts!

They arrested a bunch of handicapped people recently, at Sen. Corey Gardener's Denver office,who were protesting “Medicare cuts” in Trump's “replacement” for the silly, stupid, Obamacare law. Sad. They say the cuts will eliminate many services they need, every day. Only one problem: there ARE no cuts in Medicare in the bill. Dumocrats are using an old, tired, scam on them. The scam is, if any reductions in the INCREASE are planned, they CALL them cuts, to fool you into supporting their position. That's what is operating here. Those handicapped people are NOT going to lose a single service! There ARE NO CUTS in Medicare planned—ONLY REDUCTIONS in INCREASES! This is how the Dumocrats fool you into supporting things that are not good for you. They did the same thing many times in the past, when reductions in the INCREASE in the school lunch program were contemplated. There were no actual cuts there, either. There's another scam they use in conjunction with this. It's the “baseline budget scam, where every program gets a 10% automatic INCREASE, every year. ANY reduction in that INCREASE is called a cut.(Washington Times)

"Self Defense: A Bizarre Premise"

That's what the NY Times says, anyway, again showing their complete ignorance about the real world. What the hell do they think guns are FOR, anyway? They aren't MADE for criminals to use in victimizing people. When they do, they're misusing them. They're angry that 11 states have passed laws to allow “concealed carry” on campuses. Of course, as usual, they got the number wrong when they reported it. They said it was 10 states. They talk about the “risks” in allowing “concealed carry” on campus, completely ignoring the unalterable fact that people carry guns on campus ILLEGALLY, every day. As usual again, they decry people's ability to handle guns safely, again ignoring those people who ILLEGALLY bring their guns on campus. What they're really against is people's ability to defend themselves against all the ILLEGAL guns already out there. They want us to be DEFENSELESS when thugs attack us. They deny it to their dying day, but it's undeniable. (Breitbart)

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

A Life Lesson

A very small, fat little guy with a strange looking haircut walked into a western bar. He walked right up to a very large man. He came up to about that man's belt buckle. The man was engaged in a serious conversation with a bar girl who sat on his lap. The little guy commenced hitting the big man on his knee. Left, right, left, right. The big man looked down with an irritated look on his face, reached down, and slapped him away like he would a fly. He didn't even pause in his conversation. The little man flew through the air, through the wall, having made his own hole. He landed on the ground after bouncing off the big man's horse. The horse (whose name was “Army”) was so offended by this that he promptly stomped the little guy with the funny haircut into a bloody puddle. The lesson? Don't mess with the big guy (or his horse) unless you have a death wish. Somebody should send a copy of this to Kim Jong Un. (Just common sense)

It's Okay for Me

But not for thee.” The Dumocrats have been flailing around ever since the 2016 election trying desperately to find “evidence” of “collusion” with Russia to benefit Donald Trump. The media has been digging right with them, and IGNORING the PROVEN collusion (in TWO cases) to help Hillary Clinton. The worst case is the Post Office, where the unions put pressure on postal executives to approve unpaid time off, sometimes weeks at a time, so employees could be ferried to “hot states” to knock on doors, and do other things to benefit Hillary, even when such approvals caused them to be understaffed. Those employees were PAID by the union for their time off working on Hillary's election campaign. This was in direct violation of the Hatch Act, which prohibits federal employees from being forced into working on election campaigns. I'll be interested to see if this ends in any punishment for those who laid on the pressure. The other case was when Hillary's campaign workers collaborated with the UKRAINIAN government to get what they thought was information that could help them win. Still no evidence of Trump's collusion with the Russians after many months and many “investigations.” (American Patriot Daily)

Absurdity In Gun Control

The anti-gun fools are constantly working to come up with more plausible reasons to control legal access to guns. Their most recent one is to say that, “thugs who are killed while breaking into somebody's home are being denied their right to a fair trial.” It's absurd, but they don't know it. They think it's genius. Also his right to a fair trial only arises if he is ARRESTED for breaking into this guy's home. Not when he threatens the life, and very existence of the homeowner and his family. The fact that those thugs are violating the homeowner's right to be “secure in their property and papers” is ignored, as is that homeowner's right to life, which is threatened by this thug's action in breaking into his home. This is a typical twisting of things the anti-gun fools are best known for. (The Blaze)

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

It's NOT the Far Right!

The liberal media is doing it's best to paint the racist riots in Charlottesville, VA as a “right-wing gathering.” Nothing could be further from the truth. To say so is “fake news.”To begin with, the Nazis are based on “National Socialism,” and socialism io a definite LEFT wing system based on the THEFT of the fruits of the production of new wealth for the benefit of the “drones” of society. The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was STARTED by the Dumocrats (liberals), which are also LEFT-wing. They started the KKK to make sure black Americans stayed down. They were the instrument of domestic TERRORISM and the violence arm of the Dumocrat Party, which again, is on the LEFT. Liberals work very hard to convince the world that the “right” is the “party of racism,” and that's WRONG! Those who believe it (those who pay no attention to politics) are the only ones who should believe it, but they're not. They tell others the same thing over and over, and it comes to be believed by simple repetition. Now even Fox News is calling that gathering “far right.” Fox ought to know better. I don't think they do it on purpose, just through ignorance. I really get tired of this kind of crap getting “into the language.” (Just common sense)

A "Mighty (Unarmed) Warship"

The government recently commissioned the new aircraft carrier, the USS Gerald Ford. A mighty warship, named after a president who was never elected, but was APPOINTED VP through political finagling so that he could replace Vice President Spiro Agnew so he would not become president when Richard Nixon resigned. He was known for braining people with golf balls and hurting himself. Another notable “warship” was named after anti-gun fool Gabrielle Giffords. This “littoral combat ship” (whatever that means) was properly UNARMED, since it was named for a fool who wanted us ALL to be unarmed in the face of ARMED criminals and other “bad guys.” Naming Navy ships after this kind of fool is the best reason why our enemies are laughing at us. (America's Navy)

The Usual Crap

MOMS Against Guns (or something like that) are trying to get a law passed. “In an effort to improve gun safety,” Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY) has reintroduced The Handgun Trigger Safety Act [an already failed bill -RT], "forward-thinking legislation to use new and emerging technology to prevent gun deaths,” a press release from the congressthing proclaims. “The bill would promote the development of new ‘smart gun’ technology that only allows an authorized user to fire a gun. It would also mandate that all newly manufactured handguns use this technology within five years, and that existing handguns be retrofitted with this technology within ten years.” As usual, this law would only apply to LEGAL guns, just like ALL their current laws do. All those MILLIONS of guns already out there in the hands of “bad guys” would not be affected. Only the ability of law-abiding folks to defend themselves against them would be affected..”Same old, stuff.” (Oath Keepers)

Monday, August 14, 2017

Ignorance On Display

That's what we had in Charlottesville, VA the other day. Basically three ignorant groups “demonstrated” (rioted) in favor of racism and bigotry. Racism and bigotry is ignorance. Those who practice it are ignorant. The KKK announces their ignorance wherever they show up, just by their presence, as do the Neo-Nazis, who try and emulate a defeated system from bygone days. Then there are the “white supremacists.” Their “thing” is promoting the supremacy of the white race, which is ignorance personified. Just because the black race was (WAS!) a race in slavery doesn't make them stupid. The slavers were the stupid ones. And those who celebrate that stupidity are today's stupid ones.

Naturally, liberals try and paint those ignorant people as Trump supporters, but I doubt there were any real Trump supporters there. The mother of the fool who used his car to run many rioters down says she “thinks” her son was going to a Trump rally. But that's impossible, because Trump was nowhere near there and Trump is not the racist in this scenario, no matter how much the liberals want to make it look that way. This gathering was NOT of Trump supporters, even though liberals want to paint it that way. INTELLIGENT people judge people as INDIVIDUALS, based on what they say and DO, not by the group they are in. Especially of they are in a group not of their choosing, and that they can't change. (Just common sense)

The Black KKK

There is one main outfit CREATING a new brand of racism. The “Black Lives Matter” movement. What they're promoting is white against black racism, and they're getting a lot of response from blacks who are still smarting from PAST treatment by white against black racists, most of the practitioners of which don't even exist any more. They're also promoting hatred of cops, completely forgetting that if cops didn't exist, they would be in danger as much as the rest of us. The only thing standing in the way of mass murder and unopposed crime is the cops. But they're too ignorant to figure that out for themselves. Or they plan on BEING the criminals and want no opposition. They're responsible, by their rhetoric, for the deaths of numerous dedicated police officers who were killed from ambush by ignorant thugs who buy it. Cops who do NOT go to work every day and think, “Let's see how many blacks I can kill today?” They are truly the black equivalent of the Ku Klux Klan. Except they don't use rope, they use other IGNORANT blacks who think it's a good thing to kill innocent cops. (Keep and Bear)

They're NOT Children!

Anti-gun fools publish articles telling about lots of “children” being shot. What they don't tell you is that those “children” are up to 19 years of age and are gang members who are shooting back. The articles never say WHO is shooting at them so they can paint a picture in your mind that the ”victims” are “toddlers” dancing around in a grassy field, chasing butterflies, which is NOT the case. At age 19 they are, for all intents and purposes, ADULTS, and are, themselves, (ILLEGALLY) armed. This is how they twist things to make you think things that are NOT true. Included in their “16 Children A Day Being Shot” figure are those19-year-old gang members, and they are on both sides of any shootings covered. Only THREE out of that 16 are really children, and they are usually shot by people using ILLEGAL guns—another stat they ignore. (Gun Free Zone)