Saturday, August 9, 2014

"Took 2 Hours to Die"

An inmate in an Arizona prison slated to be executed took two hours to die, according to news reports. This inmate was sentenced to death for a double murder and I’d BET he didn’t worry about how “peacefully” his victims died as he shot them to death. This “botched execution” will give some fodder for anti-execution fools who feel that the state should NOT execute people, no matter how bad their crimes. I think they go way too far to make sure these people don’t suffer the same fate as their victims did, and that causes all the problems in executing them. I think they should just shoot them. It’s quick, easy, and not complicated, as it is with electrocuting them or feeding them a “cocktail” of deadly drugs. These people don’t care about the “comfort” of their victims, and we shouldn’t worry about how THEY feel when they meet their maker. They call it a “botched execution,” but the important thing is, the killer is dead. (Sacramento Bee)

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