Tuesday, August 5, 2014

"Gutting" Obamacare?

Many people say the court ruling saying the feds CAN’T subsidize insurance recipients, that only the states can do that “guts” Obamacare. Maybe it would, if we had a president who obeyed the law. Obama has a long history of IGNORING court decisions, and I predict he will ignore this one, too; especially since another same-level court decided otherwise, within hours. He will keep operating as if there were NO court decisions until the supreme Court rules. And if that court rules against him, he wil change a few words in the law (without Congress) and go right on enforcing it. This is how Obama operates. He figures the court (which is an equal partner” in governing) does not have the right to oppose him. So he will go right on doing what he wants while the court dithers about whether to do anything about him. (Eagle Rising)

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