Saturday, August 2, 2014

EPA Seizes Land Rover

Because it “might” pollute sometime in the distant future. I don’t know how much a Land Rover costs, but I’d bet it’s in the $40,000.00 range. She said it cost her $60,000.00. They didn’t give this woman any money for her car, they just “took it” in a SWAT-type raid, conducted by a large number of masked (appropriate), bullet-proof vested thugs with guns who descended upon this woman’s home like they were raiding a criminal’s lair and STOLE her Land rover. They weren’t even sure under what “law” or “regulation” they were operating. They just said it “might” pollute sometime in the future so they were going to “get rid of it.” Is THIS the United States of America? Are feds allowed to just “descend upon” a private, honest citizen and TAKE her private property, without so much as a proper COURT proceeding and a SURE law that allows it? I guess since our PRESIDENT can ignore the law at will, bureaucrats think they can, too. She says she will “fight it” and hopes to get her Land rover back, but I don’t hold out much hope in a land where the PRESIDENT operates lawlessly and IGNORES court orders. (Patriot Action Network)

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