Thursday, August 7, 2014

Mexico Is Pissed!

They’re pissed that Texas is deploying the National Guard on the border to help the Border Patrol, who are busy changing diapers and baby-sitting illegal alien CHILDREN Mexico sent here to devil us to cope with the problem. What the hell are they mad about? That we’re doing the job the Border Patrol is supposed to be doing? Obviously their own border control in the south of their own country is not doing its job if thousands of unaccompanied children could not only cross INTO Mexico, but actually travel completely through Mexico to overload our border control defenses, not with ADULTS, but with CHILDREN, who present a special problem to us. We just can’t handle so many children crossing into the United States, and if we refuse to allow them in, that makes us “ogres.” They knew that when they decided to allow those children to travel through their country in the first place. They were “in cahoots” with the people who hatched this scheme to overload our defenses against illegal border crossings. (American Thinker)

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