Thursday, August 14, 2014

Is Islam A REAL Religion?

Not even! Islam was born in the pipe dreams of Muhammed Ishmael in Mecca, who fled to Medina, to escape “unbelievers” in his fledging “religion, where he declared that the “god” he selected from among the many worshipped by others (sometimes one for each day) and declared Allah to be “the one true God.” He claimed that Allah spoke to him, and people actually BELIEVED this crap. In Medina, he became a bandit leader, murdering “non-believers” in his new “religion” by the hundreds, even thousands. He wrote in the Koran (however they spell it today) that all good Muslims should “smite” (kill) unbelievers; some less educated (or less truthful) Muslims say the root of Islam is al-Salaam, which means “peace.” But its root is really al-Silm, which means “surrender,” or “submission.” This entire “religion” is based on the MURDER of EVERYBODY who does not believe in it.

Most of today’s Muslims don’t buy that, but to believe in this “religion” founded by a criminal and bandit leader shows a certain lack of intelligence, which is FOSTERED by Imams (especially in women), as a way to keep people from realizing this. There are two basic kinds of Muslims. Those who follow most of Muhammed’s scam without believing they should really KILL “unbelievers” today, and those who believe that killing unbelievers is ordained by Allah and that, should they be killed while doing it, they will be rewarded in “Paradise” by being able to have sex with “virgins” for all of eternity with the “virgins” somehow not becoming non-virgins in the process. Notice that doesn’t apply to women, who are mere “chattel” to Muslim men. The Muslim “religion” should be BANNED everywhere because it is a “band of murderers” who are killing innocents all over the world, beheading CHILDREN, who cannot hurt them militarily, just because they do not believe in Islam, and raping their mothers in front of the family before killing THEM..

Obama once said, “I thank Muslim Americans for their many achievements and contributions to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy.” How STUPID is that for our president to say in the face of the obvious FACT that Muslims have always fought AGAINST democracy in any form. This shows a certain IGNORANCE on Obama’s part, or at least an effort to FOOL us about Islam. Frankly, I believe Obama is a “closet Muslim” and wants to do everything he can to advance “Jihad” while CLAIMING to be a Christian. He was brought up by Muslims, educated as a Muslim in a Muslim society. How could he NOT be a “believer?” I don’t know where he was physically BORN, but he lived his formative years in a Muslim country, being taught by Muslims. (Patriot Action Network)

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