Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Cop Shoots Unarmed White Kid

And nobody does anything. No rioting, no looting, no visits by the governor or the attorney general of the United States, no visits by Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, nothing. Oh, the cop who shot him is described as “other than white.” We don’t know if he’s black, or Philipino, Indian (oh, forgot: ¨native American”) or maybe INDIAN Indian, or maybe Hindu, or even Muslim. I don’t know. They won’t tell us who he is. There’s no “governmental lynch mob” demanding his scalp. What’s the difference between this and what’s happening in Ferguson, MO? The victim is white, and the cop is “other than white.” This guy was shot dead because he didn’t instantly obey the cop’s commands (he was wearing earphones and couldn’t hear him). Cops will not say whether or not there was a gun (besides the cop’s) on the kid or near him, along with not revealing the murderer—er. uh, cop’s name. This case is more clear-cut than Ferguson, but apparently nobody cares (except his brother, who witnessed it) about an unarmed white kid being killed by an “:other than white” cop. In the story, there wasn’t a single mention of race. Mostly because the victim was white, I guess, and the shooter was “other than white.” (Inquisitr)

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