Sunday, August 17, 2014

Making War on Children!

What will it take to make people “rise up in anger” and kill every Islamic terrorist they see? They’re so used to the unspeakable atrocities committed by Muslim extremists (I think) that they’re now inured to it, or they’re just afraid. You see a picture of a headless corpse of a small girl in a pretty blue dress, a pile of dead CHILDREN on the stone-strewn ground, and the half a body of a five-year-old cut in HALF by an Islamic terrorist. Does this kind of thing infuriate “average” Muslims? Does this make them angry enough to kill the murdering bastards who commit such crimes? Apparently not. They come and go among the Muslim population who allow them to use them as human targets and murder their children, rape their wives and daughters (no matter how young), and kill whole families. Why? Because they don’t BELIEVE the exact same way they do. NO other reason. I’m getting to the point where I can’t differentiate between innocent Muslims and these bastards. I just want to KILL them. Sorry about the language, but I can’t find any other words harsh enough to describe them. And Obama is sending them BILLIONS of OUR dollars! Thank God I’m no longer subject to the censorship Town Hall put on me when I published The New THOMA$ REPORT on Town Hall.. (World Net Daily)

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