Monday, August 4, 2014

Liberals Never Learn

Obama came out of nowhere and conned his way into the presidency by promising gullible Democrats and other liberals things an INTELLIGENT person knows he could not deliver—like lowering (or raising, I never can remember which) the sea levels. They elected him—twice—and he didn’t deliver on ANY of his promises, except the ones about delivering us to socialism. They were disappointed, and his supporters used that old saw that they “just need a little more time” and things will be okay. Now comes yet ANOTHER nobody from out of nowhere to take over where Obama leaves off—if he ever does. Her name is Liz Warren (Who?). They KNOW Hillary cannot win, so they’re hedging their bets with yet another female candidate so they can say from that day on that ANY opposition to her policies must be because we hate women, like they blame all opposition to Obama’s policies on racism. They use that “race card” so much is has no meaning, any more. (The Best of Cain)

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