Friday, August 15, 2014

ISIS: Next Target, America!

Boy, is this insignificant outfit thinking big! It’s like a gnat crawling up an elephant’s leg with rape on its mind. Yes, they’re “successful” as long as they’re fighting people who don’t know how to fight, nor know how to use the equipment we left.. But if they DO invade America, they’re going to get a big surprise. Americans know how to fight, and if they’re invading the mainland, Obama will have no choice but to turn our troops loose, which he has not done so far. He’s been “playing at” war. But when our troops are “turned loose” to fight the way they know how to do, these fifth century fools will not have a chance. They’ll go down in a big heap of dead bodies, and they deserve it. Yes, they have figured out how to EMULATE us in the use of OUR equipment (that we left when that Obama fool made us leave before we finished the job). But when it comes to ORIGINATING such equipment, they have no idea. And they can only PRETEND to know how to USE it. That’s not enough. If they invade America, they’re gonna get their noses bloodied, big time. (All Arabiya News)

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