Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Remember the First Amendment?

It used to be “sacred” to the liberals—back when they were the “out” party. Now they are the “in” party, not so much. The IRS is “targeting” political enemies. FACT, not rumor or conjecture. Now they’re scrambling to cover it up. The FCC now wants to “eavesdrop” on press rooms, to find out who is saying what, so they can “deal with them.” They use the concept of “hate crimes” to SHUT UP their critics by calling their reporting and actions “hate crimes.” “Hate crimes” can be “defined” by the enforcer. They want to bring back the “Fairness Doctrine,” to shut up such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, etc.
Make no mistake. This is an ALL OUT WAR on freedom of speech, and they’re WINNING. But not with me. I’ll shout my message through the window of my cell if necessary. This book, “Shut Up, America,” details the campaign. BY the way: I get NO “kickback” from sales of this book. (World Net Daily)

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