Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Palin Shuts Holder Up

He said ALL the opposition to Obama AND him was racist, to which she replied, “That’s just absurd. I don’t need lectures from Eric Holder!” She also said, “Not many cabinet members have been judged in contempt of Congress.” And just because somebody opposes a failed, unjust agenda, that doesn’t make them racist—only in their fevered minds. Will that shut him up? Doubtful—he’s not smart enough to know when he has been slapped in the face. They think calling people racist will blunt opposition without having to ANSWER that opposition. Obama said, while running for president, that electing him would forever still racism. It might have, if he and his cronies would just shut up about racism as a means of blunting opposition. Eric Holder is a KNOWN CRIMINAL who is in charge of the primary crime-fighting organization in this country, and answers directly to the “criminal-in-chief,” Barack Obama. (Eagle Rising)

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