Tuesday, August 26, 2014

DUI Repeat Offender

Scott Peter St. Pierre was sent to prison for ten years after killing a corrections officer on his way to work at 9:25 AM. It was his SECOND DUI. Now, ten years later, after serving his sentence, he’s up to his old tricks again. He was driving drunk and being chased by the cops when he crashed into another driver and was arrested. Which brings up another question: his earlier conviction was for a death during his SECOND DUI. Why wasn’t something done to stop him from driving, period? I read, all the time, about people who kill others while driving drunk, and many of them have had NUMEROUS DUIs, with minimal punishment. Why is this? Are the cops (or the “system”) AFRAID to “unduly punish” these people? What can be done to make sure people who constantly drive while drunk keep getting their DUIs without appreciable punishment? I think the punishment ought to be cumulative. Stiff fine and imprisonment for the first time, an even stiffer fine and longer imprisonment for the second time, etc., each time they get caught a stiffer fine and even longer imprisonment, until they get LIFE in prison. Further, if they KILL someone ANY time, they should get LIFE. (Sacramento Bee)

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