Monday, August 11, 2014

"Economic Retliation"

The authors of “Muslim Mafia” are being sued by the Council of Islamic Relations (CAIR), an organization that doesn’t even exist any more because they changed their name to confuse their enemies, for writing that book. The fact that the book is entirely true makes no difference to them. They intend to ruin the authors by forcing them to spend more money than they have to defend themselves in court, even if they lose. So far, they have spent half a million dollars on their defense, and soon it will be a million dollars. If this isn’t “economic retaliation, I don’t know what is. They have no basis for a suit, but they bring it, anyway, so as to ruin their opponents anyway. The authors will undoubtedly win anyway, in the end, but at what cost? CAIR is even trying to get CRIMINAL charges against them. For WHAT, I don’t know. But it’s yet more harassment. As part of their suit, CAIR has demanded that remaining copies of this book be destroyed. The reason for this, and other such suits to come is to make people AFRAID to write such books, true or not. CAIR’s army of lawyers have nothing else to do but harass such authors and all the money in the world to accomplish it. Islam is called the religious crime syndicate,” which is a good name for it. If American jurisprudence is smart, they will refuse to recognize or allow such suits to even be filed so as to scotch CAIR’s goals. Or at the very least, make CAIR pay the legal feeds when THEY lose. (World Net Daily)

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