Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Lax Colorado Gun Laws?

Are these people really that STUPID? Yes, that’s a documented fact. But to think Colorado has “lax gun laws” after Gov. Hickenlooper was suckered into making some of the tightest gun laws in the country (outside of Chicago and New York City) by the former MAYOR of New York (he claims otherwise) is about as stupid a thought as possible. But these TIGHT gun laws didn’t prevent these horrific killings, as predicted by more intelligent people. These laws didn’t do a THING to keep Damon Blake from getting the guns he used in his killing of a pregnant woman AND her unborn child, and another man. Just as the TIGHT gun laws in Chicago and New York don’t stop them from being the “murder capitols” of the United States, maybe the world. But do the anti-gun fools learn from this experience? Not a chance. They keep on making their insane laws that keep HONEST people from getting guns with which to defend themselves from armed CRIMINALS, who don’t obey laws. This killing presents law enforcement with a problem: do they count that inborn child as a murder or as an abortion? (Gun Free Zone)

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