Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Compromising With Democrats

That’s like cooperating with the devil. Democrats are the ENEMY today. They aren’t just “in opposition” to SOME of our deeply-held beliefs and principles; they’re working AGAINST us! Some people—even some conservatives—say we have to be able to “work with” the other side. But what if “the other side” is your implacable ENEMY who is working AGAINST everything you stand for? What if EVERYTHING they want to do is WRONG? The Democrats demand that we “meet them halfway.” But what if “halfway” is leading to our DEATH or complete slavery? To them, “compromise” is “doing it THEIR way.” You can’t meet someone who wants to ENSLAVE you “halfway.” That’s not the intelligent thing to do. And I refuse to do the stupid thing! An example: Democrats are working like beavers to move this country to a collectivist (socialist) system of government. There is NO “compromise” with that. It’s like seeing or not seeing. Collectivism is THEFT from those able and willing to EARN their living and produce NEW wealth, for the benefit of the DRONES of society. It is us “pushing the wagon” while Democrats ride in it and criticize us for what we do to EARN a living for THEM. (Just common sense)

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