Wednesday, August 27, 2014

They Never Learn

This is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard—except for something Nancy Peelosi or Harry Reid might say on any given day. That’s only a fairly close quote from this article, but it truly describes a store that put up “No Guns Allowed” signs AFTER a legally armed CUSTOMER used his gun to stop a robber from stabbing the store’s manager without a shot being fired. AFTER the stabbings, and the intervention of the LEGALLY armed customer, they posted signs that said, “No Guns allowed,” thinking, no doubt, that SIGNS would deter armed criminals. If those signs had been in place BEFORE the stabbing, that store manager would no doubt be “pushing up daisies” now, instead of posting stupid signs for his boss. If I were him, I’d be looking for a different job, where the employers had some sense. (Last Resistance)

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