Wednesday, August 6, 2014

"Gun-Free Zones" KILL!

We did a story on this before, but attention on this needs to be repeated, over and over, until the thick-headed fools who think they save lives begin to have it dawn on them that it doesn’t. “Gun-free zones” are actually RESPONSIBLE for many deaths because they signal to would-be shooters that there will be no guns there in the hands of honest people who can, and WILL stop them before they can do more damage. The doctor in this story made a conscious decision to violate this “gun-free zone,” carrying his own gun into this medical office building. Other people are realizing this, as witness the blog item here linked, no thanks to the liberal media, who consistently IGNORE the “gun-free zone” angle. This doctor will no doubt be disciplined for having that gun, even though he clearly saved lives (including his own) by having it. It’s good to know that I have been joined by others of intelligence in opposing the LACK of intelligence in the liberal media. (Julie on Politics)

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