Thursday, August 21, 2014

BIG Mistake!

Terrorists in Iraq made a BIG mistake when they started beheading children, and another when they started kidnapping and beheading journalists. They wanted to make us mad, and HAVE they! It may be a fatal mistake for them, because it took them out of the “freedom fighter” category and placed them squarely in the “murdering thug” category, and Americans have never been known to “back off” against such people. We’re “coming back,” folks. And we’re coming with all guns blazing. They think they’re going to give us “rivers of blood,” and they’re right. But it’s going to be THEIR blood. Obama may TRY to “limit” what our soldiers can do, but I predict that’s going to be impossible. They’re going to go over there and “whip up” on those fifth century fools. If any are left alive it will be because they were hiding too well. Any we can find are going to DIE. We will find most of them, and it will be a horrible death. Terrorists think our air strikes are bad for them, but wait until they meet up with ANGRY American soldiers who will not be deterred by “rules of engagement” and will follow them to their “nests.” NO longer will they be able to escape death by throwing down their arms when they meet up with a superior force. They will NOT be sent to GITMO and eventually released by our stupid president. They will be shot on sight.  I just wish I was not “old and broken” so I could go over and kill a few. Every single one of them needs to DIE. (Town Hall)


Anonymous said...

I doubt it. Not as long as obama is president. He is a terrorist-loving wuss.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Obama won't be president forever. Even if he was, soon pressure might build FORCING him to do something decisive. If he doesn't, SOMEBODY will.