Thursday, October 18, 2018

Rally to Support Racism

That‘s what they had in DC recently. It was to be a counter demonstration against “white supremacy,” but only a few of the people supposedly in favor of “white supremacy” showed up, while THOUSANDS of those AGAINST it showed up, making it a demonstration in favor of racism against white people. This shows plainly that there IS no such thing as “white supremacy.” It’s only in the “fevered brains” of liberals. It’s just another MANUFACTURED “PROBLEM” they use to maintain or increase their power. Liberals are in the process of CREATING racism, against WHITES. They’re even teaching it in college courses, and in the lower schools where liberals teach, which are most of them. Soon we’re going to have two drinking fountains and restrooms, with the better ones being for “black only.” Employers won’t be hiring white people, and white people will be forced to ride at the back of the bus. Landlords will refuse to rent to white people, and some areas of the city will be RESERVED for black people, with no white people allowed. I’m glad I’m as old as I am, because I don’t want to live in such a world. It was bad BEFORE, when it was aimed at black people, and I don’t want to suffer it. I’ve always judged people as INDIVIDUALS, and thus never succumbed to the insidious racism of the fifties. Black, white, yellow, or red, if they were “good people,” I treated them as such. If they were bad people, the same. Of course, the liberals probably have my name on several of their “racist lists,” for that reason. If it’s wrong, and a black person does it, I say so. Same for whites, yellow, and red. Also, I do not recognize “politically correct” parameters. Which gets me on many “lists.” (Just common sense)

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