Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Left a Brown Trail

This punk brazenly kicked in the door of a house belonging to a woman who had some children with her in her house, then immediately turned tail and ran away at the sight of the shotgun in her hand, looking fearfully back to make sure she wasn’t going to shoot him in the back. This is yet another example of why the government should NOT prevent people like this woman from having a gun with which to protect themselves and theirs. Not a shot was fired, on either side, but this punk took her unspoken advice and “got gone,” and in a hurry. He probably didn’t know he could run that fast, while leaving his brown trail, which wasn’t long enough to lead the cops to him. But I think it will be a while before he makes such an attempt in the future—at least, not without casing the joint a little better to make sure the occupant is not armed. That’s IF he gets up enough guts to EVER do it, again. Punks like this re Basically cowards, used to victimizing people they think of as “easy targets,” usually using their ILLEGAL guns. If they are, they are MADE that way by the laws made by the anti-gun fools. Laws that protect no one, and just make it easier for thugs like this to victimize people. (Conservative Tribune)

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