Wednesday, October 24, 2018

"Other People's Money"

California governor candidate Gavin Newsom wants to give illegal aliens “universal health care” at taxpayer expense. That means giving money to CRIMINALS while STEALING the money from American citizens through excessive taxes. This is a typical position of a liberal politician. Giving away money that belongs to somebody else. Never their own, and giving no consideration to how they are going to pay for it. Universal health care, even if it is just for illegal aliens, will COST TRILLIONS. California is already in money trouble, because of past giveaway programs, and now they want yet another. At least Gavin Newsom does. How people like him can get elected would be a mystery if I didn’t know that today’s voters were subjected to mass conditioning in liberal “values” every day in school, from kindergarten, right up to college, in schools run by liberals, who teach their version of truth, which is false. By the way: the “political correctness police” don’t like me calling them “illegal aliens.” They’d rather I call them “undocumented immigrants,” to mask the fact that they are CRIMINALS. (Legal Insurrection)

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